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RE: RE: The Hive Blockchain: A Foundation For Global Community
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RE: The Hive Blockchain: A Foundation For Global Community

RE: The Hive Blockchain: A Foundation For Global Community

Why is the argument "why do you waste time here if you don't blindly believe" always used by people like you that don't like the criticism.

That's an idiotic assertion.

  1. Reading and writing is hardly something that takes a lot of time. Well it does if you're part of the WORKER BEES here on Hive and you have to keep doing it every day in order to get your few dollars... (while the smart users aka: PARASITES just feed from the autovotes.)

  2. A person whether invested or not is free to input their view onto something...

It is after all what YOU'RE proclaiming to champion... FREE SPEECH... so it's odd that you seem to only want to encounter a certain viewpoint and me not expressing that view bothers you to the point you would rather I wasn't here at all.

So you're a borderline hypocrite.

But on free speech then, since that was why I read your post and commented.. thinking you would provide insight into it and how it affects humanity...

Spoiler: YOU DIDN'T.

Anyway I've made this point on the SPK.NETWORK discord before the clown @starkerz started to cry and banned me...

FREE SPEECH IS A LIVING ENTITY.. and it matters not so much what you say but WHO YOU ARE and then who you influence and or expose.

Case in point: JULIAN ASSANGE.

In my discord comment I said that had ASSANGE released information on Hive, there would be no chance the blockchain would still be active.

Also SPK.N clowns think they're going to save free speech with their backyard node networks..

Again.. it's likely no one significant will ever use that basic crap so then technically no one will shut down their "speech".

Anyway all those projects weren't ever meant to be finished or be relevant. They're just there to suck money out from DHF.


On a serious note though..
Just look at the state of the world.

Elites themselves are shutting each other down breaking the rules essentially in open warfare. Whereas before when society was less fucked up... that all happened behind closed doors. Because power elite fix their issues discretely.

So for the masses: humanity... There's no hope of free anything really. It's a fool of a man who think that those that ARE NOT IN CONTROL OR IN POWER have a chance in hell at calling the shots.

The world (humanity) was actually meant to be in the business end of a global revolution by now.. but again... the POWER PLAYERS cut that shit at the knees with COVID (RESET).

Go watch this talk/interview if you want to understand this better..

Take care man.
And take some time away from Hive. Seriously your time is worth more than this bubble of depression. By now it should be clear that this tech is nowhere near what they claim and the community will always be poor people needing a few dollars.

I'm not insulting poor people because I come from a poor country but the devs and project teams here are nothing but parasites sucking you all dry making you all work producing obscured blogs for their automated voting.

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