3+ years of Hive Witnessing, Hitting a new milestone and renewed focus!

I have finally made it to rank 90!


Yeap! It's a pretty decent milestone honestly.

I've been a hive witness for over 3 years now, slowly grinding my way up the ranks getting a witness vote here and there, Thank you to everyone who has voted for me.

It means a lot really, not only does it bring me closer to breaking even on server costs, It gives me renewed focus to put more effort into doing things that make hive better.

For the past 3 years I've largely just been a witness ran in the most decentralized form I can think of, From my own home, on my own hardware, away from centralized datacentres and the likes.

I've had a crack at running an API which worked out pretty well barring a persistent bug which is now fixed. Short of my reluctance to sit down and work through getting it set up properly I could have an API node running again if I wanted to. But that will likely be a future thing I do when I actually have some projects finished and in need of my own API node.

Generally. I've been pretty consistent and very minimal downtime. It's been a good run so far.

Renewed focus

I've gained a renewed focus on actually doing things. I'm making solid progress on a number of hobby projects such as 3D modelling and Live streaming that I'm thinking I can actually get something tangible done related to hive.

I've got many ideas, such as an account creation portal where you can get free accounts if available or pay in pretty much any decent cryptocurrency to make an account.
I want to run my own front end with an emphasis on functional and useful features like search, content discovery and the likes.
I want to build a hive learning website that can teach even a 5 year old how to use hive.
I want to run a VSC node and build stuff with smart contracts.
I want to run the full suite of SPK network when it hit's mainnet.

I want to become a key pillar of infrastructure for hive.

And I might eventually get there, one step at a time.

But it's not cheap running such infrastructure, Being higher in the ranks will help a ton for sure, I'll likely have to foot a large amount of cash myself more so than I already have, I'm sure I can also generate profit from account creation or at least make my projects sustainable, it's doable with effort, something I'm starting to be able to utilize effectively.

Thank you

So again! I really do appreciate all the support you give me here on hive. Sometimes I honestly think I don't do nearly enough to deserve such support so I'm going to try and throw out some tangible results into the mix to make myself feel better haha.

I'm in it for the long haul, Hive is all I'm invested in and it's all I really care about these days, no other crypto really sparks an interest in me than hive does.

I'll be here, doing my thing, maintaining my node come rain or shine, I hope you will join me on this journey as we all build hive together into something amazing-er.

Every vote helps to ensure HIVE is decentralised and secure! Please consider voting for me!

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