IBT Survival Island - Update

In these regular updates we will bring fresh content to Hive, in the form of our game coding experiences; IBT is a developing PC game - the one to have future Crypto interactions.

Sneak Preview of Island


Here is a sneak peek at the IBT survival tutorial Island. Its currently being tested and populated with items and will be available in the upcoming demo. When the demo is released, we will add to it every two to three months and fix any bugs that are reported or found.

Creating the save files AGGHH!


In this image are various snippets of the save widgets that are required to write, load and modify the game files for the loading and saving system. This is only a fraction of what is required and when its time to run it and look for bugs/errors it can be more fun than sticking your head in an industrial cement mixer.

Rapids, creeks and rivers!


Another piece of work finalized after months and months of work is the inland waterways, waterfalls, rapids, dams, lakes, creeks, rivers and even stagnant water ponds. The materials and meshes are all completed and the fun part now will be building the different type of terrains that they will all be placed into.

And that's it for this update. We have a Dicord Channel, if keen for it pop a message here and jump in and drop us a line and help with some testing.



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