IBT Survival Island - Update

In these regular updates we will bring fresh content to Hive, in the form of our game coding experiences; IBT is a developing PC game - the one to have future Crypto interactions.

It's time for a fresh update - starting to get some where..

3rd time Lucky? (We understand our errors now!)


A huge thanks to our supporters who still know we are doing our best to provide a game that comes with two gaming concepts. As a brief reminder one is a medieval game and the other a survival game if your new to us and not sure what we are making. This is our third time around, (Gasp!) attempting to get this out and as you can tell we wont give up. (not yet anyway!) For the third time, here at IBT HQ we have nearly completed the inventory for IBT survival. IBT Original is ready to go for testing but we want BOTH concepts to go out together if possible. Now down to business! We have nearly completed the inventory screen, the HUD bars, the compass, date and time and basic building spending many many hours this week putting them all together. Shown in image is the improved inventory screen and some items listed and showing some items will stack.

Crafting nearly Completed


We have also implemented the updated crafting system IBT island comes with. Even the pre-code that comes with the editor does not allow so many crafting items so we had to improvise a new code giving players an almost unlimited amount of "raw" materials to craft items with. Once again this will come with locked and unlocked recipes that can be found in books dropped or washed up on shores.

Testing the hit/collision system


In this GIF example this is how we can see when its are "hit" by using the "E" key (Which is the interact key for this game.) This is used for debugging and allows us to see whether the items are colliding or are interacting correctly which saves hours of time. Oh, and before we forget, all competition winner ideas from the past are still being placed in the game, haha time has little meaning if going at own pace.

That's it for this update - lots of progress and it getting to the point where the real fun begins with in game quest designs etc., being built out as we almost have this like a map editor.

We have a Discord Channel, if keen for it pop a message here and jump in and drop us a line and help with some testing, else not long until the next update - stay tuned.



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