Ruth Bader Ginsburg Accomplishments, Corruption in The First Degree


As people mourned the death of Justice Ruth Ginsburg, I celebrated. The question then becomes, why would I say such a terrible thing? The media positions her as one of excellence: awe, admiring deeds for humanity. After all, didn’t the president (Reilly, Mollie. 2020) himself claim Ruth as, “A Titan of the Law who was a fighter to the end?” A person known for her brilliant opposition at the Supreme Court and one with a sharp mind?

“Renowned for her brilliant mind and her powerful dissents at the Supreme Court, Justice Ginsburg demonstrated that one can disagree without being disagreeable toward one’s colleagues or different points of view,” Trump said. “Her opinions, including well-known decisions regarding the legal equality of women and the disabled, have inspired all Americans, and generations of great legal minds.”
— Donald J. Trump

Even Chief Justice John Roberts claimed our nation lost a warrior of justice (Levine, Sam. 2020) the day Ruth died.

“Our nation has lost a justice of historic stature. We at the Supreme Court have lost a cherished colleague. Today we mourn but with confidence that future generations will remember Ruth Bader Ginsburg as we knew her, a tireless and resolute champion of justice.”
— Chief Justice John Roberts

A Look Into What Ruth Stood For

In 1993, Bill Clinton nominated Ruth to the Supreme Court. She was the second woman in history to grace the bench. A woman of Jewish descent. One who knew the depth of hell from the terror her people withstood during Hitler’s and Stalin’s reign. Many believed her journey to the United States Supreme Court was but a miracle.

Yet, the question remains, was Ruth a champion of Justice or a monster in disguise?

It depends on what one considers a protector of life. Over her career, she supported the genocide of children through Planned Parenthood. And to drive this point, President Alexis McGill Johnson makes it clear. He tells all how Ruth helped the organization become what it is today (Axelrod, Tal. 2020).

“Tonight we honor that legacy [Ruth’s choices], but tomorrow, we’re going to need to get to work to preserve the ideals she spent her life’s work defending [murder of the unborn through abortion]. Because this is not an understatement: The fate of our rights [the continued extermination of babies], our freedoms, our health care, our bodies, our lives, and our country depend on what happens over the coming months [continued funding the organization and it's profits from murder of the unborn],”
— Alexis McGill Johnson, Planned Parenthood President

To set the record straight, Planned Parenthood isn't about women’s rights or equality. Their core business surrounds profits, not the rights of women.

Planned Parenthood harvests body parts of innocent children. Infants murdered under the guise of civil rights (Dorman, Sam. 2020). During an investigation, invoices exposed them for what they are: human traffickers. They charged an estimated $25,000 for fetal tissue in 2012. Other line-items showed StemExpress at $55.00 per POC (products of conception). It's another term for fetal remains. Within those records, they also found ten dollar ($10.00) line item changes for blood samples. These acts alone show their criminal intent.

In testimonies, staff members admitted babies were intact upon extraction (Berry, Dr Susan. 2020). This act alone violates federal law. Title 18 USC 1531 (U.S. Code. 2003) makes it illegal to perform partial-birth abortions.

What is partial-birth abortion?
Partial-birth abortion (PBA) is the term Congress has used to describe a procedure that crosses the line from abortion to infanticide. The doctor delivers a substantial portion of the living child outside his mother's body --- the entire head in a head-first delivery or the trunk past the navel in a feet-first delivery --- then kills the child by crushing his skull or removing his brain by suction.
— (USCCB. n.d., "Partial-Birth Abortion")

In another deposition, another confirmation of the illegal acts performed. The witness stated they altered abortion procedures to avoid crushing the baby’s organs. When confronted about her comments, she admitted, “We’ve been pretty successful with that [illegal practice of partial-birth abortions].”

Investigative journalist David Daleiden expressed, “Planned Parenthood abortion providers appeared under oath in court today and admitted supplying the body parts of children in the womb to for-profit brokers like StemExpress,” (Micaiah Bilger. 2019). But it gets worse. Planned Parenthood sells every form of fresh aborted baby parts. They include, but not limited to: eyes, hearts, and testicles (Steven Ertelt. 2015). This organization isn't about human rights. It’s a business of genocide for profit, which claims over $528 million a year in taxpayers’ funds.

And we dare wonder why God judges this nation. We have forsaken His ways and no longer seek truth or show mercy to our fellow human-beings.

“Let not mercy and truth forsake you; Bind them around your neck, Write them on the tablet of your heart,”
_ — Proverbs 3:3, NKJV_

The crimes committed by these butchers are unimaginable. We lock up people like Ted Bundy, Charles Manson, and others for far less, yet these entities get a free pass. The doctors and employees who perform these procedures make serial killers look like saints. In an interview, Dr. DeShawn Taylor (Steven Ertelt. 2017) explains how she assassinates these innocent children.

“In Arizona, if the fetus comes out with any signs of life, we’re supposed to transport it. To the hospital.”
When one investigator then asks, “Is there any standard procedure for verifying signs of life?”
Taylor replies, “Well, the thing is, I mean the key is, you need to pay attention to who’s in the room, right?”
Taylor then laughs as she repeats what the Arizona law requires, and says, “It’s a mess. It’s a mess.”
— Dr. DeShawn Taylor

And when questioned about the extractions, she stated her concern.

“It’s not a matter of how I feel about it coming out intact [the baby], but I gotta worry about my staff and people’s feelings [when they hear the screams from the babies] about it coming out looking like a baby.”
— Dr. DeShawn Taylor

Dr. Taylor doesn’t care about the children lost in these inhuman acts of violence. She rather enjoys it. For her, the best part of her day surrounds the workout from the practice. As babies get ripped from their mothers’ womb, her biceps grow stronger with each extermination.

“My biceps appreciate when the dig[oxin] works,” to kill the fetus before the procedure. “I remember when I was a [Family Planning] Fellow, and I was training, I was like, Oh, I have to hit the gym for this,” she says, describing the force she feels in her biceps when performing a dismemberment abortion with forceps.
— Dr. DeShawn Taylor

This is the golden double standard in the United States. Murder in the first degree outside of Planned Parenthood, life in prison. Murder a baby for profit while lining politicians’ pockets; they look the other way.

Where is the justice in this? Where was the Champion Ruth? No where seen. She instead championed the murder of the unborn. And it's not only Ruth. Kamala Harris (Daleiden, David. 2020) get's into the action as well.

When David Daleiden exposed the corruption, Kamala used her power. She shut him down. But luckily, before she could silence him, he exposed the DaVinci company. A business behind the trafficking of baby body parts across the United States (Schweizer, Peter. 2020). Which circle’s us back to the hero of justice, Ruth. A woman who promoted the murder of children and a little fact the media doesn’t want us to discuss. She worked hard to lower the age of consensual sex with children to the age of twelve (Steve Brown. 2008).

“Given that homosexual advocates are in a full court press to lower the age of consent as low as it can go, and pro-pedophile sitting Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s documented advocacy of lowering the age of consent to 12 years old, parents should be horrified that there are so few politicians, like Sen. Santorum, actually defending the family,”
— Timothy Chichester, president of the CFAA

Anyone who supports Ruth as a champion of Justice needs to re-examine their moral stance. Because from where I sit, she stood for murder of the innocent and sex with minors: not women’s rights or justice.

While many mourned over Ruth’s death, I honor it. She can no longer damage any more children. Her work helped eliminate the heritage God gave us, our children.

“Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, The fruit of the womb is a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, So are the children of one’s youth. Happy is the man who has his quiver full of them; They shall not be ashamed, But shall speak with their enemies in the gate.”
— Psalms 127:3-5, NKJV

Happy are those who protect the unborn, not destroy them for financial or political gain.

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Reilly, Mollie. 2020. “Donald Trump Calls Ruth Bader Ginsburg ‘A Titan Of The Law.’” HuffPost. September 19, 2020.

Levine, Sam. 2020. “Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Dead At 87.” HuffPost. September 18, 2020.

Axelrod, Tal. 2020. “Planned Parenthood: ‘The Fate of Our Rights’ Depends on Ginsburg Replacement.” Text. TheHill. September 18, 2020.

Dorman, Sam. 2020. “Unsealed Docs Show Planned Parenthood Charged $25G for Body Parts, Blood Samples within Months.” Text.Article. Fox News. Fox News. April 15, 2020.

Berry, Dr Susan. 2020. “Under Oath: Planned Parenthood Staff Admit to Changing Abortion Procedure to Sell Intact Baby Parts.” Breitbart. August 24, 2020.

U.S. Code. 2003. “18 U.S. Code § 1531 - Partial-Birth Abortions Prohibited.” LII / Legal Information Institute. November 5, 2003.

USCCB. n.d. “Partial-Birth Abortion | USCCB.” United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Accessed March 12, 2022.

Micaiah Bilger. 2019. “Planned Parenthood Admits in Court That It Sold Body Parts From Aborted Babies.” LifeNews.Com. September 4, 2019.

Steven Ertelt. 2015. “10th Video Catches Planned Parenthood: We Sell ‘Fresh’ Aborted Baby Eyes, Hearts and ‘Gonads.’” LifeNews.Com. September 15, 2015.

Steven Ertelt. 2017. “Shocking Video: Planned Parenthood Director Caught Admitting Babies Born Alive After Abortion Are Killed.” LifeNews.Com. March 29, 2017.

Daleiden, David. 2020. “Journalist Who Exposed Planned Parenthood: Kamala Harris Weaponized Her Office to Punish Me on Behalf of Her Donors.” Breitbart. October 28, 2020.

Steve Brown. 2008. “Fears Grow Over Academic Efforts to Normalize Pedophilia.” CNSNews.Com. July 7, 2008.

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