Cell Phones Harm Our Health, The Radiation Can Be Deadly


The devices we use daily cause severe adverse reactions we may not be aware of.

What devices?

  • Cell Phones
  • Tablets
  • WiFi Router
  • Game Console

With constant exposure over time, our health becomes compromised. The list from mild to fatal includes headaches, fatigue, stress, irritability and cancer.

On a side note, I worked in the field and can attest to these finding as fact, not rumor or hearsay. The negative impact on the human body from the devices has serious consequences. At one point, the WHO classified the radiation as a Class 2B Carcinogenic. Since then they changed their tune.

You can’t bite the hands that feed you, now can you?

Even though BigTech owns the world, studies have proved harm arises. When individuals held a cell phone next to their head for 15 minutes, the damage began. Apple made another statement which validates the risk of exposure. Radiation from these devices can exceed the FCC exposure guideline. When positioned less than 5/8 of an inch from the body, harm occurs.


And don't forget, even the FCC has been bought.

“Cellphones, cell towers and other wireless devices are regulated by most governments... Our government, however, stopped funding research on the health effects of radiofrequency radiation in the 1990s. ...research has shown significant adverse biologic and health effects — including brain cancer — associated with the use of cellphones and other wireless devices. And now with the fifth generation of cellular technology, known as 5G, there is an even bigger reason for concern.
Joel Moskowitz, a researcher in the School of Public Health at UC Berkeley

Even with facts on the dangers, these corporations continue to harm our communities. To ease concern, the FDA set cell phone radiation to a maximum of 1.6 watts. Unfortunately, these maximums didn't consider other biological effects; DNA damage or, as stated above, cancer from radiation.

No matter what these paid for clinicians state, radiation in any form causes cancer. It's a known fact. But because these devices bring in billions each year, they no longer cause harm.

Remember when cigarettes didn't cause harm?


Big Tobacco paid Doctors to express, “there’s no harm in smoking, it’s safe.” This helped reduce public concern. Corporate profits carried on.


Sound familiar?

It's the same propaganda at a different time. Nothing these experts tell us incorporates absolute truth. Our health doesn’t concern them. Happy share holders and golden parachute for CEO’s do.

What can you do? Rely less on these devices. I know, sounds crazy, but isn’t. Write a letter instead of chatting on the cell phone. The smile you'll bring to the recipient, priceless. Go outside, breathe fresh air instead of playing video games locked in a room. Your health will thank you. Put down the tablet and go read a physical book. Your eyes will love you.

The less we rely on Big Tech, the more control we have over our them and our lives. It's time to take back our control as we reduce theirs. I didn't say it'd be easy. But it's so worthwhile.

Drop me a comment and let me know your next steps. How will you take your control back?

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