The Hidden Hand of Mass Manipulation Is On Show Everywhere, From Putin to The Oscars

We all know that people often hold secrets. Sometimes secrets can be so huge that they affect us all and can even result in their holders facing death for leaking them to anyone else. What if we were all under a spell of deception so huge that we never questioned it's details? What if your mind has been deliberately programmed to disconnect from asking important questions and has even unknowingly agreed to ridicule those who ask them? When real world evidence forces us to wonder if this is the case, we can begin to unravel our inherited reality in powerful new ways.

For one person to hold a secret, we are told, is normal - but for several million people to hold a secret is impossible. Of course, how could this be achieved? No 'normal' group of such a size could ever hold on to important secrets, could they? After all, people are too undisciplined and disorganized to pull something like that off.... Well, ok, except militaries - they are forced to hold secrets on a large scale because they know their lives depend on it.

Ok, ok, so there is a precedent for large groups of people holding important secrets - you won't find full schematics for the creation of nuclear weapons very easily, that is for sure.

So could other groups be doing something similar? Well, sure, why not? All it would take is the motivation and a relevant structure, plus the existence of the secrets, of course. Who would fit that description? Religions often have an esoteric 'wing' to them, which holds on to secrets which are not taught to the 'normal' followers of the religion. This applies to virtually all of the world religions, from Islam to Judaism, to Christianity and beyond. Maybe some sub groups in religions have great secrets to hide from us - but how would we know? We would need to do a lot of research or be lucky enough to find testimonies from those who anonymously leak the group's secrets.

There is another category of group, though, to which ALL of this applies and they are 'openly secret' - the secret societies.

It might be shocking for people to learn that it was estimated by more than one high ranking member of the Freemason secret society, that their organization is now so large that it includes more than 5% of the global population. If that is even remotely true then there are more than enough members in their group to ensure that they have the ability to place members in key positions right through society - in fact, ALL societies.

It is well established that the oaths of Freemasonry include the acceptance that if they leak secrets they will be killed and that they must protect their fellow society members, even if it means lying in court. They also generally have a rule whereby they will always try to only promote fellow Freemasons in their place of work, when the opportunity arises. This means that over the centuries, this ancient group has been able to place it's members in ever more powerful roles in the wider world.

Clearly this is a huge subject and one that requires hundreds of pages to do justice - but just to show you how widespread this group may have spread it's tentacles, let's look at the two main news stories circulating on the web TODAY. If this group is so powerful, maybe we can connect them to the majority of 'big news stories' - that would make for a heck of a powerful group, right?

1. Putin's Invasion of Ukraine

The history of both Russia and the Central/Eastern European lands are extensive and complicated. There are many thousands of tales to tell about the role of the 'hidden hand' of Freemasonry in just these parts of the globe. However, I will leave you with just one question to ponder.

Why did the 'Father' of Freemasonry, Albert Pike, use the symbol of a double headed bird so prominently? His book 'Morals and Dogma' is one of the seminal works of Freemasonry and on it's front cover we see:


Does this symbol remind you of anything?

As it turns out, the double headed bird is one of Russia's main symbols:


The giant mansion that Putin himself is said to own and which the media briefly reported on recently, has a huge golden double headed eagle above the main gate.

Ok, well maybe it's just a coincidence? Maybe powerful groups just love a double headed bird for some reason? It's fashionable for them?

Well, in a sense that is true. The anthropologist, Robert Sepehr explains in his video on this exact topic, that Serbia, Albania and other nations from that region also use this same symbol in their national iconography. He traces the symbol to a wide variety of nations, religions, monarchies and belief systems - but shows how consistent threads emerge that connect these examples together.

In general, he identifies the symbol as being one of 'empire':

OK, so we can see how Freemasonry is connected to an intent to build an empire and that is really quite obvious to most thinking people anyway, since there aren't too many other justifications for creating a 'secret' society in the first place.

Think about all those people advertising 'get rich quick' trading systems online for crypto traders. Don't you think that if they were really that effective then their creators would be keeping them for themselves? Why would they be selling the courses to you? If their intentions were philanthropic in nature, then they would just give you money instead of leaking their own secrets that might actually limit their ability to successfully trade in future. Clearly these people's sharing of 'crypto mysteries' serves a purpose of their own personal power gain and so it is with Freemasonry.

It is also well established that the USA was founded by Freemasons. The 'Statue of Liberty' is officially a gift from French Freemasons and Washington DC has designed, literally from the ground up, to reflect the geometric knowledge that is taught to Freemasons and used in rituals:


Both the ritual magick pentagram and the square and compass symbol that is the primary symbol of freemasonry are both clearly visible in the road layout of Washington DC's most significant political features.


But maybe this is all coincidence? Or maybe there is a way to use maths and symbols that is universally powerful that different groups have learned and used over the ages.. So maybe these people aren't actually all Freemasons?

Well, to prove the truth of this situation 100% beyond doubt is no simple task. Unless you are a member of the inner circle or the inner circle of one of these secret societies, the chances are that the best you can do is keep amassing evidence and joining dots in the most unbiased way that you can.

One interesting piece of evidence is this lengthy (5 hour) testimony from an Australian Musician and winner of their X-Factor show:

He specifically focuses on the infiltration of the media industries by Freemasonry and shows countless examples of how famous 'celebrities' repeatedly use the same symbols and language in their appearances, denoting their membership of the same occult group. He says that he himself was a member of the group and risks his life by saying what he is saying.

The bigger picture he shares is that Freemasonry's public image is a 'front and a cover story' - coverup for none other than Satanism! Clearly this man is now openly a Christian and is filtering the situation through his Christian map of reality, but even if this is removed from his testimony, we can still see that the mountain of evidence he shares cannot easily be rejected without thorough investigation.

So coming back to Putin's invasion of Ukraine - having seen the countless images of men, women and children torn to pieces in the name of 'peace' by Putin's mind controlled military - would it not make sense to at least consider that this is being orchestrated as part of a deliberate plan that seeks deliberate destruction and pain? Perhaps a grand plan that demands control and subordination at all costs? Exactly the kind of plan that might require a large secret society where the initiates are deliberately deceived and drip fed the illusion of personal power - but where few people know the true purpose?

Let's move on to the second 'big news story' of today.

2. Will Smith Smacks Chris Rock

The fact that half the world seems to be so easily distracted by one 'celebrity' smacking another across the face - while tens of thousands of men, women and children face imminent death, torture and trauma in many parts of the world (not just Ukraine) is only really explained by this also being part of a deliberately engineered stageplay.

It did not take long for people to notice that the Oscars ceremony is sponsored by two of the creators of the COVID19 vaccines, Pfizer and Biontech (Moderna).


Now, to Hollywood actors, an Oscar is considered one of the major accolades and a crowning glory - not something to refuse or give away by a 'small mistake'. It could have easily been the case that Will Smith didn't receive an Oscar after his violent assault of Chris Rock, but in actuality - he did receive an award.

Source: NPC

Ordinarily, corporations are extremely sensitive to having their brand 'tarnished' by the behavior of 'content creators' in the media. This is one of the main reasons why Youtube is so ready to censor and delete videos that might put off advertisers from spending money with them.

It seems, though, that in this case, Pfizer and Biontech had no problem with Smith's award and neither did the Oscar organizers.

As it turns out, the story behind the story is that Smith's wife - the target of Chris Rock's joke that triggered the slap he received - suffers from alopecia (hair loss) and as luck would have it, Pfizer had bought a pharma corporation only a few days earlier that is promoting a new product for hairloss.

This video offers a visual take on the situation:

But surely Pfizer doesn't need to push it's weight around at the Oscars to try to draw public focus to the topic of hairloss in order to try to maximize it's profits? Surely people trust them enough that they just need to tell everyone that they have a great new product and the profit will just roll in?

Well, no. The reality is that Pfizer is one of the most criminally fined organizations on Earth and heavily polarizes people. Some people view Pfizer as a life saving corporation, while many more people view them as a major criminal organization. From a PR perspective, promoting Pfizer is a tough nut to crack.

This is where the 'dark arts' of marketers who are inspired by the work of Edward Bernays step in. Bernays, the nephew of psychologist, Sigmund Freud, laid out his approach to mind control for personal power gain in his seminal 'book/promotional advert' called propaganda.

Bernays deliberately sought to profit from the promotion of the wealthiest people's interests. He also deliberately set out to try to generate attention/profit for his clients without the rest of us even suspecting his involvement. Rather than walking up to us and telling us how amazing a product is, his approach was to use subterfuge to create situations where we bought his client's product or increased our respect for his client, but without us ever knowing that our choice to give them money was partially a result of his input and planning.

When we look back at the Oscars ceremony, we can see not only the likely fingerprints of this kind of thinking, but also various occult belief systems too. Even the Oscar statue itself is said to be modelled on the Egyptian 'God' Ptaah.

So what better way to 'kill two birds with one stone' (or to promote a two headed bird of empire with one slap) than to sneakily draw attention to a problem that your brethren's corporation has a new product to 'solve', while distracting people from the reality of the threat of World War 3 than to enlist the help of some of your fancy brothers from Hollywood?

The evidence right in front of our eyes says the slap was staged:

The corporate connections provide a logical motive.

But what about Rock and Smith? Is there evidence of their own involvement in a secret society?

Well, both Will Smith and Chris Rock are mentioned in the lengthy X-Factor Whistleblower's video (above), for several reasons:

The hidden hand that is necessary to deliver such a slap, both figuratively and literally, is on full (yet hidden) display. Those who dig around into this subject will not need much time before they start to question just who exactly the 'celebrities' really are. These 'shining stars' are often, behind closed doors, involved with some of the most evil plots imaginable.

Maybe you are too young to remember who Sammy Davis Jr. was, but to many he was a much loved Black entertainer. On other days he was a close friend of the two heads of the US 'Church of Satan', Anton Lavey and Michael Aquino.


With so much surrounding this topic being secretive, we have to acknowledge that we can easily be mistaken when drawing conclusions. At the same time, we cannot escape that ritual symbology and secret societies are completely encroached and 'hidden in plane sight' in our world.

Maybe if we all pay closer attention to the possibilities here, we might gradually connect enough dots correctly that we can shift our planet's fortunes once and for all towards real peace, prosperity and harmony.

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