Incriminating Pfizer Vaxx Safety Study Reveals 1 In 17 Mortality Rate


Greetings again all. I've been closely tracking everything around these 'vaccines' since their rollout one year ago. Nothing in this data is even remotely surprising, based on what we've learned, in progressive waves, over the past year. It was obvious to me and many others that these were bio-weapons designed to maim, sterilize, control, and kill. Global depopulation, right out in the open, for all to see. You had to pay attention, though, and outside the echo chamber that created and maintained the false narrative, the false worldview, that was pushing and railroading everyone to 'get the jab'.

When information first came into my awareness at the beginning of May about what these genocide jabs were, and what they were doing, I began to compile a list of studies, articles, interviews, discussions, videos, and the like, on the 'virus', the 'vaccines', the PCR tests, and masks. I continually updated it for months, as new information came out. At one point, however, I became so overwhelmed with the amount of information that kept coming out, and everywhere, that I no longer felt that the list was necessary, as the data was now so easily available for those that were paying attention.

One thing became clear. Different batches have quite notably different contents; they are definitely not all the same, varying widely in lethality over time. Also, that a good portion of the 'vaccines' were nothing more then saline solution (the estimation months ago was that there was a 60/40 ratio between saline batches and the real kill shot batches), and that many people who thought that they were getting the 'vaccine' weren't, actually.

The total number of deaths and permanent injuries from this depopulation roulette is still not fully known, due to massive censorship and scrubbing of data, but we do know that it is ridiculously higher than many are yet aware. What is so horrific to me, aside from this agenda, is how many people still cannot see it, especially at this point in the game, and willingly go along with it.

We must stand for truth, we must stand for humanity. There is no other way. I thank all of you that stand with me. 🙏💚

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