The Fallout of the Canadian Nazi Ovation

For those of us who have been warning that Ukraine has a Nazi problem, and been dismissed as Putin dupes, what happened last week in Canada’s parliament is a gift that deserves to be explored and not swept under the table as an innocent gaffe.

Applauding "war hero" Hunka

For those of you who somehow missed this news – the entirety of the Canadian parliament gave a standing ovation to an ex-SS Nazi who fought against the Soviet Union in WW2. Following the event the Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center sought an apology from the House of Commons, saying the division SS Galicia to which Hunka belonged;

was responsible for the mass murder of innocent civilians with a level of brutality and malice that is unimaginable...An apology is owed to every Holocaust survivor and veteran of the Second World War who fought the Nazis, and an explanation must be provided as to how this individual entered the hallowed halls of Canadian Parliament and received recognition from the Speaker of the House and a standing ovation.


Trudeau has allowed Speaker of the House. Anthony Rota to take the blame and resign calling it an "oversight" and "entirely my own". This has led to the resignation of the Speaker of the House, and a multitude of apologies.

All of us who were in the House on Friday regret deeply having stood and clapped, even though we did so unaware of the context. (Trudeau)


Furthermore Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau expressed deep concern over the incident, asserting that it should not be exploited by Russia or its supporters for false propaganda regarding the military intervention in Ukraine. Turning things on their head Trudeau went on to say;

It is extremely troubling to think that this egregious error is being politicized by Russia, and its supporters, to provide false propaganda about what Ukraine is fighting for.

Political commentators have also said that the worse thing about this was "forcing" Zelensky to raise his fist in salute.

The incident is far from a one-off gaffe. It reveals the whitewashing that has gone on to support Ukraine in this war whilst hiding from Western citizens the very great and real presence of Neo-Nazis in Ukraine. It also reveals the complete stupidity (not to mention historical ignorance) of those who have become blinded by war frenzy.

On September 22 after the Canadian parliament was addressed by Volodymyr Zelensky, the House was invited to greet Yaroslav Hunka, 96, who was described as a hero fighting for Ukrainian independence against Russia. He received not one, but two, standing ovations.

It has since been revealed by a journalist Ivan Katchanovski, himself from Western Ukraine, that Hunka was in fact a member of SS Galicia, a volunteer member of the infamous Waffen-SS. Hunka described these war years as the best years of his life. They were also years notorious for how maliciously brutal the SS were when they massacred enemies of the Nazis.


For those uneducated in these matters it would appear that we were now on the side of the Nazis in WW2! History now reads that we’ve always been at war with Russia. However in reality the majority of Ukrainains (from all over Ukraine) fought on the side of the Soviet Union and her allies against the Nazis. Estimates for those fighting on the German side range from 50,000 (Mark Felton) and 80,000 (Norman Finkelstein).

See Mark Felton Productions on YouTube "Ukrainian SS In Britain - Post War SS-Galizien Division Refugees

Work by British historian Dr Mark Felton digs into the history of SS Galicia.

The Galicia division was founded after the German defeat at Stalingrad in an attempt to hold the Soviets back. They wore Himmler’s SS uniform and pledged allegiance to Hitler. They were renowned for their brutality.

He reports how after the war the UK secretly invited over 8,000 of these SS members to come and settle in the Britain, despite being known for committing several heinous massacres of civilians on the front in WW2. This was because they were useful in the Cold War. 800 of these were to later emigrate to Canada.

In the 1980s, the famous Nazi hunter and Holocaust survivor Simon Wiesenthal sent the Canadian government a list of 217 former Galicia Division members who may be living in Canada. Subsequent RCMP (The Canadian Mounties) investigations and a 1986 public inquiry concluded that Nazi collaborators had indeed settled down in Canada.

The cenotaph featuring the emblem of the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (1st Galician). Photo from Wikimedia Commons.

Even after death SS memorials were constructed on Canadian soil. Barely raising eyebrows, let alone a protest, reveals how dusty the past has become. They also exist in the UK. It is also worth pointing out the many monuments that exist across Canada dedicated to Nazi collaborators, including one in Oakville, two in Edmonton, and a street in Gatineau that was named after a pro-Nazi scientist until 2015. In fact, there are so many of these memorials in Canada that there is an entire Wikipedia page dedicated to listing them all!

To this day Ukrainian societies run youth clubs in the UK (and probably Canada too) that teach history to children in which the notorious Nazi collaborator and perpetrator of the massacre of Babi Yar, Stepan Bandera, is held up as a national hero.

Activists of the Svoboda (Freedom) Ukrainian nationalist party hold the photo of Stepan Bandera in Kiev, October 14, 2013. Credit: Gleb Garanich/Reuters

Naturally the media have tried to downplay the situation as an unfortunate mistake however it flows from the logic of Canada’s involvement in the war.

In the war against Russia, Canada has actively supported fascist elements within the Ukrainian army. At the beginning of the war, Canadian officials met up with members of the infamous Azov Battalion, which is a neo-Nazi unit that’s incorporated in Ukraine’s National Guard.

Azov battalion at Patrioys March in Ukraine clearly displaying the SS insignia

Another example includes none other than Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland. Freeland has repeatedly bragged about her grandfather, Michael Chomiak, saying he “worked hard to bring freedom and democracy to Ukraine.” During WW2, Chomiak was the editor of a Nazi propaganda paper. When this information first got out, Freeland decried it as “Russian disinformation,” but all evidence points to the contrary. Freeland was also caught posing for photographs with a scarf bearing a Ukrainian far-right slogan.

Watch her incredibly halting apology here

More recently the University of Alberta now faces calls to return thousand of donations connected to Waffen SS veterans after it returned $30,000 to the family of Hunka. Donations to support Ukrainian studies, especially the teaching of history during the twentieth century. Inclusive amongst them an endowment worth $430,000 in the name of Volodymyr Kubijovych, a man who played a key role in the establishment of the SS unit in 1943.

Prof. Rudling of Lund University states he has found evidence that Kubijovych collaborated with Hans Frank. Frank, personal legal advisor to Hitler, cabinet member and governor of Poland, has been implicated in mass murder. Other veterans of the SS have given not just donations to Alberta University but have been active members, like Peter Savaryn who was chancellor in 1987.

All of this is happening against a background of a failed counter-offensive against the Russians. Despite what you might read in the newspapers Ukraine is not on the verge of winning and has not destroyed 50% of the Russian army. Indeed their ability to keep fighting at all is entirely dependent on Western backing. This is why the Canadian parliament applauded an ex-Nazi like trained seals.

The fact that they gave two standing ovations to a former Nazi should have everyone questioning their motives for keeping the war going in Ukraine. Freedom and democracy doesn’t really stand with support for Nazis, something they have been keen to keep from the general public who they know would have a hard time swallowing such collaboration.

This incident has left Trudeau looking a complete idiot and the reputation of Canada as the “nice” nation rather tarnished. Time to wake up to the fact that Ukraine not only has a Nazi problem but in supporting them the West is rewriting history.


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