Coronation of a New King - Part Two

King Charles III

WEF 2020

Charles III will be ruling a much bigger kingdom then his two namesakes – ruling over 2.4 billion subjects spread across 14 nations. Albeit recently two nations, Belize and Jamaica have threatened to cut ties. Nonetheless Charles is coming to power at a key moment of human history, during a massive transformation shifting us into a global society.

It was Charles III who announced the Great Reset at Davos in 2020. This is of great symbolic importance and where the even the very backdrop crowned him in the United Nations Agenda 30 colours. Very symbolic indeed.

This archaic and outdated from of governance is at the same time highly useful for the neo-feudal society the ruling class want to see established. Much as the previous coronation of Elizabeth II was associated with the introduction of mass media in which many household sought to purchase televisions in order to watch the coronation being broadcast. Eventually, bringing state propaganda into each and every home. Yet, it should also be noted that the majority of poorer households in the UK didn’t even have electricity in 1952.

Queen Elizabeth II coronation

For 70 years the Queen’s visage was on all our stamps and on our money. She was Head of an Empire, then Head of a Commonwealth with land all over the world. An immensely wealthy woman who was portrayed as the representative of the people. Stories and pictures of her life filled certain magazine journals and fueled the tabloids. You can’t go far these days with out being confronted with some story about how awful Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are.

The Queen’s death was a complete media frenzy. Indeed many media commentators have criticised Charles for his desire to not make his coronation not more of a media circus – as if something was even possible. The media have been building up to this coronation for months. The BBC alone will be covering this with 150 cameras. However, the desire to unite a fragmented nation around it’s new monarch is falling largely flat.

In a recent survey on Tuesday 2 May by Yahoo News Live Poll, when asked will you swear allegiance to King Charles during the coronation only 25% responded yes, 70% said no and a further 6% were unsure. Another poll by Savanta shows support for the monarchy from the under-45s was less than half with 57% of young people in favour of a republic.

A town in Wales that was due to host a celebration had to be cancelled due to lack of interest as the organisers “failed to raise any money whatsoever”.

Climate Change

One thing King Charles III is known for is his views on environmentalism and his climate change beliefs. In his younger days he was mocked in the British media for talking to plants. He has also long been involved in the campaign to re-wild the British Isles. He has even written a book.

It's all come to this

The idea of an all earthly threat allows for governing bodies, like the UN, that are above and beyond individual nations, reason/permission to govern over them. The UN consider themselves to “own” the science regarding climate change and to “work” with Google to ensure search results bring up the desired search results.

Throughout Europe, for example the Netherlands and Germany to name a couple, are being ruled by regular WEF attendees seeking to impose on their countries new green deals. This has given rise to farmers protests throughout Europe.

It is reminiscent of Charles I who took land from what where then known as the commons and which belonged to everyone. By taking these commons into private ownership peasants found food production to be that much more difficult – forcing up prices and profits for the new landlords. A key underlying factor in the build up to the English Civil War.

Another comparable springs to mind is that of King Edward VII. Both waited in the wings whilst their mothers sat on the throne for a very long time. Edward’s primary concern was with the Empire and what he viewed as the threat to the British Empire from the unification of Germany in 1870. When he eventually came to power he put into place a system of alliances that would eventually result in World War One.

Whilst acting as Prince of Wales, Charles has consistently funded and spoken in public about global warming. All the while jetting round the world in private jets (like all the rest of the Davos crew), giving lectures to the little people about conserving the planet. Repeatedly preaching about reaching tipping points and only having a 100 months to save the planet (back in the naughties!). I’ve been hearing about this for forty years now in the UK.

The Guardian's ever dire coverage of climate change

Of course, it doesn’t end there. I’ve also heard him preach about growing population putting a strain on finite resources. Another eugenicist hobby horse, a deep ideological bent within the British ruling class as amply displayed by Charles.

Like a saviour with a mission, it appears Charles believes he has a god given calling to “save the planet”. And I’m pretty sure saving the planet equates to saving the planet in order to continue to exploit it’s resources primarily for the rich and powerful to continue leading the life they are so accustomed to. Literally born to, in the case of the British monarchy. It wouldn’t surprise me in the least if the British monarchy actually owned a stake in at least one major oil producing company given their historical colonial participation!


Speaking at COP26 in Glasgow, Charles said;

The Covid-19 pandemic has shown us just how devastating a global cross-border threat can be. Climate change and bio-diversity loss are no different, in fact they pose an even greater existential threat to the extent that we have to put ourselves on what might be called a war-like footing…here we need a fast military-style campaign to marshal the strength of the global private sector with trillions at it’s disposal, far beyond global GDP.

The scale and scope of the threat we face call for a global systems level solution...beyond even the governments of the world’s leaders.

In other words a military-style Marshall Plan to tackle climate change by supra-national, unelected bodies, with trillions raised for their disposal. Hmm, I wonder where those trillions are going to come from? It is also highly reminiscent of a speech given by Baron de Rothschild back in 1992 at the Rio de Janeiro UN Conference on Environment and Development.

Prince Charles looking like he's being told what's what by Evelyn de Rothschild

The coronation of King Charles III places a ‘friendly’ face of the eugenicist thinking, pro neo-feudal planners, dictating to the world the necessity of a military style action to tackle [the dubious science of] climate change.

The Other Side

The British royal family have long played host to various Gulf absolutist monarchies. For example the Emir of Qatar is an honoured gust at the coronation.

In 2015, during a state funded visit to Saudi Arabia Prince Charles gave a billionaire Saudi donor an honorary knighthood for being a financial donor to his charity. Prince Charles also accepted a $1.7 million donation to his charity from Osama bin Laden's’ family. He also accepted almost $3 million in cash from an ex-Qatari prime minister.

The cash was apparently delivered in a suitcase as Charles meets here with Sheikh Hamad Bin Jassim al Thani

I’m sure nothing to do with currying favour from the British royal household or “green washing” their money.

Furthermore the Prince’s Trust Global Founding Patron is the Aga Khan (the hereditary Imam of the Shia Ismaili Muslims).

King Charles III

At one with nature

As the Prince of Wales, Charles has spent a large portion of his life conducting environmental campaigning. However, as the new King does he need to restrict his beliefs now? The UK has no constitution, but an agreement was reached with the monarchy following the reign of Charles II, in which they must be subservient to parliament.

It is by convention then that the Head of State must be neutral with respect to political matters. However, as we move into an era of total global governance, will the role of the monarch change? After all it was only in May last year that Charles held a secretive meeting with US bank executives at Buckingham Palace to promote Environmental Social Governance goals. He is fully invested in the WEF’s vision of a New World Order.

Still, having spent an entire life time pushing his vision of sustainability and environmentalism, building charitable endeavours that maybe he’s already laid the groundwork and he doesn’t need to push his ideas any more.


The New World Order looks like a world in which the demands of environmentalism necessitates the supercedence of national boundaries.

Beyond the control of ‘democracies’, arbitrary power looks likely to make a come back. It could be described as the ultimate power grab. Not mandated by the people – they’ve proven themselves unwilling or unable to make the necessary sacrifices to ‘save the planet’. This duty towards the environment then will have to be compelled onto an initially unwilling public.

If successful this New World Order will be a renaissance of the feudal landlord age, and may even result in a return to all out slavery. A Golden Age for the upper echelons.

For the majority there will be increased controls on human behaviours; restrictions on personal access, shopping, public places, money and travel. Mandatory screenings, vaccinations and other submissions to experimental treatments. Plus increased onerous ‘green’ taxation to pay for the environment.

We are here

Let’s not forget that at basis of the eugenicist ideas of King Charles and the Club of Rome is that;

The real enemy, then, is humanity itself.

Let’s also not forget Charles's dad wrote that he would ask for reincarnation as a particularly deadly virus! Although he also wrote that he would much rather see the human species voluntarily restrict its numbers.

Land Ownership

The basis of real wealth in any country is based on the land itself.

The reality is that the monarch owns much more land that is not accounted for in this chart and grants leases to lots more land, for example to the military

The British monarchy essentially owns the highest proportion of land. The Monarch also owns everything above and everything below the land we occupy. Control of resources is therefore key.

As fuel has increased so much in Europe we may well see conflict arising again between landowners and those seeking to find fuel in the woods to heat their homes. Meanwhile, speaking from his privileged position Charles lectures about sustainability and the rediscovery of “a sense of the sacred”.

His idea of sustainability was to be driven to Davos in an electric Jaguar rather than be flown in on his private helicopter!

Terra Carta

An obvious play on words of the Magna Carta (an attempt by the aristocracy in 1215 to end arbitrary absolutist rule by the monarchy).

The Terra Carta is a document Charles created which implicitly rejects the tradition of the Magna Carta in the vein of his two namesakes. It by-passes the people he supposedly governs to place “Nature” instead of people at the centre of our economy;

Today must be the decisive moment that we make sustainability the growth story of our time...To help us succeed, and to complement global efforts across public, private and philanthropic sectors, I am calling on CEOs…

The same said leaders of big business who I’m sure have had no part in creating the environmental damage and pollution we have today! No, it’s all down to the people – too many of them, using too many resources. That’s why the ‘leaders’ of our society will be forced to intervene to control us.


The Terra Carta seal (like a custom royal warrant) is awarded to company’s that align with Charle’s vision for sustainability. It has been awarded to such environmentally friendly conglomerates as Amazon, Unilever, AstraZeneca and Bank of America.

This is very revealing as to what lays at the heart of the New World Order - the Global Public Private Partnership. Their dream is global governance under their control. Global financial authorities such as the Bank for International Settlements, The World Bank and The IMF lie at the heart of this control mechanism.

I’m going to put forward that King Charles is most likely a well intentioned individual who sincerely believes in the eugenicist ideas that have sunk their roots deep into British society. He has, however, been very useful to the New World Order.

His role has been to present data to maximise the climate “emergency” threat and persuade people that there is a constant extreme situation that demands population-wide behaviour change in response. Without this perception draconian diktats will not be possible. Thus the threat must be continually reinforced.

This changes the relationship between people and their rulers. The Glorious Revolution, the French Revolution, the American Revolution all established the idea that civil authority is derived from the people and that there is a contract between the ruler and his subjects and that a King who becomes a tyrant forfeits the obedience of his subjects. The situation we find ourselves in now is one where once again it is the rulers who dictate and it is the people’s duty to obey.


Sustainability is sold to the people using words like “inclusive”, “resilience” and “safety”. This is just public relations and hides the true nature of these Global Public Private Partnerships, such as that between the United Nations and the Rockefeller's, and whose main focus is on creating new markets.

Of course there is also evidence to suggest Charles is well aware of the fake nature of climate change emergency and is surrounded by his fellow extremely rich sycophants as they get on board the gravy train of “sustainable markets”. Being that he was after all the key note speaker announcing the Great Reset in 2020. However, I suspect like Charles I he is himself an ardent believer.


King Charles is a man who has everything done for him. His pyjamas pressed and dressed. His shoelaces ironed. Toothpaste put on his toothbrush. His bath has to be run at just the right temperature. If anything is done wrong then everyone gets scolded, and this is from a former butler.

How can he possibly speak of equality?

Despite the outward claims of neutrality the British prime minister meets with the monarch on a weekly basis. Can there be any doubt that Charles carries massive influence. He has been a public face for the environmental movement for decades, and the question is does he seek to extend the power of monarchy in the face of the existential threat of “climate emergency”.

Does it all come down to power after all and the maintenance of privilege? Does monarchical power in the UK rest on a hypocrisy so deep that the hypocrites themselves believe it? I am inclined to answer with a resounding yes.

Now is the time to take it to the next shape the properly deploy initiative to tackle a global threat…

The Coronation


Rituals are designed and performed as historical legacy or theatre. An audience is required but the ritual is not for them, but to connect the monarch to what has come before. Charles has requested a toned down version of his mother’s ceremony, wanting a ‘cost of living coronation’. According to his friend and biographer, Jonathan Dimbleby;

Charles has chosen his clothes to reflect his role as a “humble petitioner” almost seeking the approval of the nation and then to emerge triumphant of this extraordinary pageant of which he is the star.

Note the use of “almost”. The commentary also underlies the transformative nature of the coronation ceremony.

Locations, procedures, dress, songs, oaths and crowns all have specific meaning. The religious mass is a medieval religious initiation ritual to invest and legitimise the King. Sanctifying him as a sacred vassal. The Telegraph newspaper for example has reams devoted to each of the regalia to be used during the coronation. Including the ceremonial spurs used to evoke medieval chivalry and a golden eagle ampulla for pouring sacred anointing oil, possibly one of the most important parts of the entire ceremony. It is in the anointing by oil that the transfiguration occurs by God’s grace into the monarch. Even the golden mantles worn are derived by God. It is a case of symbol upon symbol. Each conferring virtue to the monarch, “by power on high”.

Coronation Regalia

For each coronation a special edition of the bible is made. King Charles version has been decorated with a ring of crowns and leaves. Further emphasising his view of combining the power of the crown with his crusade for Nature.

Coronations have taken place at Westminster Abbey since William the Conqueror was crowned in 1066. The heavily bejewelled crown is known as St Edward’s crown. Named after King Edward the Confessor who was canonised by the pope and reveals the tight relationship between monarch and the Church. King Charles will be known as Defender of the Faith and be the Head of the Church of England.

When Charles II was coronated they ensured old traditions were followed to reinforce the return of monarchy. These procedures have been used ever since and practically all of the regalia to be used dates from that time.

A function of the coronation is to render the invisible visible. A case of outward appearances reflecting inward reality. Each piece fulfils a different purpose linking it to previous coronations. One such object is known as the Stone of Scone was used to inaugurate Scottish kings and claimed by Edward I as his own. It is still a symbol of English rule over Scotland and many Scottish nationalists were unhappy to see it return to London for this coronation.


The most important symbols of monarchy are of course the scepter, orb and crown. They are an expression of the way in which authority has worked in this country and the relationship between the crown and the subject. They are portrayed as possessing mythical powers.

Finally a procession occurs in a golden carriage known as the Gold State Coach. Charles has opted to ride to the ceremony in the Diamond Jubilee Coach which apparently has better springs and (environmentally friendly?) air conditioning. The new King needs to be seen by the people and publicly acclaimed celebrating the divinity of the king. The procession itself is a symbolic sacred event displaying to all the transformed monarch.

Whilst all this is under way the monarchy are still portraying themselves as representative of the people, such as Prince William and Kate pouring pints at a pub. And yet after this obvious display of wealth and power, so many people still seem to believe we live in a democracy!


Is Prince William wondering how long before I'm King?

It will be interesting to see how many protestors will turn out for this coronation and how they will be treated by the State, given that the police now have new draconian powers under the Public Orders Act 2022. Ironically enough, JustStopOil activists have not as yet ruled out an attempt to sabotage the coronation. Would King Charles approve?

JustStopOil activists deface waxworks Charles

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