Towards full control.

Towards full control.

Imagine a world where human freedom, individual freedom does not exist, where the mere idea of ​​the natural concept of the human being would change, due to the fusion induced between man and machine, where an absolute "state" would have access to your thoughts and emotions. , and I would use you as biological machines to produce knowledge "for the common good."

All this would initially begin by restricting your individual rights, such as freedom of expression, they would require "passports", "health passports" to go from one place to another, but behind all this is the collection of all your data, bank accounts , digital accounts, network profiles, geo-location for your surveillance, your medical history and depending on it would put you on a level in society, you would not have the choice to be part of all this imposed system, it would be the end of civil society.

This would be implemented in all countries, some would resist despite threats and pressures, it would begin in the big cities and later in rural areas; in the end they would have the power of decision to be able to "turn off" your life or to "turn it on" to allow you to participate in that society or to be marginalized.

This would completely change the role and the future of the human being, you would be a kind of transhumanist cyborg integrated into a network of total control.

This may be fiction, science fission, or it may be real and happening right now ... WAKE UP.

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! The truth will set us free and science is the one that is closest to the truth!

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