'No Evidence of Election Fraud' Psyop, Debunked & Derailed

Screenshot_2020-11-12 La absentee ballot showing vote for President Trump found stolen, opened and dumped in TX trash(2).png

"No evidence of fraud" is the mantra being mindlessly repeated by the whole of the establishment. Anyone who alleges otherwise is spewing "baseless claims," and voter fraud is "extremely rare" in this country, "exceedingly rare." So rare, in fact, that a top Georgia election official declared that in the Georgia recount, "We are going to find that people did illegally vote, that's going to happen." So rare in fact that mainstream media outlets were reporting on dozens of election fraud cases in the weeks before the election. As Tucker Carlson rightly concludes:

"So much for those claims that 'voter fraud never happens.' Of course it happens, they knew it happened when they told us it would never happen, because they're liars."

So much for the credibility of the 'no evidence of election fraud'/'voter fraud is extremely rare' narrative. They are gaslighting the American people, and many, if not most, are seeing right through the psyop, which is thoroughly debunked and derailed in my most recent video compilation that can be seen below:

Video also available on BitChute:

The establishment propagandists and 'fact-checkers' are working overtime these days to discredit the overwhelming evidence of fraud, but there becomes a point where they can't 'debunk' it all... No matter how many times they repeat the "no evidence of fraud" mantra, the evidence still doesn't go away, despite the censorship, and the 'fact-checkers' are quickly losing more and more credibility by the day as they desperately attempt to ignore, suppress and deny the truth that fraud is in fact widespread in every election, since at least 2000. As they have been doing for decades, the mainstream media continues to dig its own grave. Millions of Americans can see right through the facade, and still the psyop marches on.

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