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5th EDition FRANK BACON [] The OrIgIn TrIAl - AD Ventures {} I SWEAR [} I DIDN'T BURN YOUR HAIR {]

Give @frankbacon a CALL HE would love to hear from you (424) 666-2425

Emerging data suggest that symptoms of @jfetzer present differently than traditional @frankbacon symptoms...

A slight fever of 99.7 C to 100.1 C mostly between 9Pm till 12Am for 3 to 8 days with whole body ache and tingling sensation in arms & legs is what one has to look out for in the @jfetzer symptom list. Also @jfetzer will cause no loss of taste or smell only extreme fatigue with or without shortness of breath. Extreme dry mouth after waking up in the morning. Constipation may develop upon recovery from fever. Oxygen levels will be between 96% to 98% and pulse will be 85 to 105. Blood pressure readings may be higher than normal and will keep fluctuating. For some the COVID dry hacking cough may develop after day 10 and stay till fully recovered.

~Komputar (edited) 3 months ago

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Uncertainty, stress and hopelessness may set in for some individuals during @jfetzer infLection...

Try to relax and keep an eye on the oxygen levels. Home thermometer, oximeter & BP cuff recommended for readings every 6 hours.

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I love Jim Fetzer, so glad to hear his voice again!

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WARNING: @frankbacon ON BLOCKCHAIN is a category of property that includes intangible creations of the human intellect. There are many types of property THAT @frankbacon OWNS, and some countries recognize THIS more than others.

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