People tending to not trust the media more and more

In today's version of "well of course they don't" news we have some graphs presented by the PEW research center and unfortunately that center has nothing to do with firearms. I wish they did.

They have shown through surveys conducted over the years that basically everyone has lost trust in the media, but it is much more profound in Republicans than in Democrats.


I'm sure you are smart enough to figure out why this particular date range has been chosen because that is when Trump was in office. Trump, who I believe had a lot of merit to his argument, put the media on the spot on a regular basis and made the world know about the term "fakenews." I didn't agree with his assessment all the time but to those of you out there reading this I sincerely hope that a certain healthy level of skepticism has been introduced into your life over the past 5 years as far as the media is concerned.

Other than a few articles that were made by publications that nobody reads like The Economist, basically everything in the media that can be considered even mildly political has had a spin on it from the various networks. Even local stations can be easily predicted depending on what their parent company is. If your local news station is owned by ABC should it come as any surprise that it just happens to have the same overall opinion as ABC does at a national or global level? If you don't think so I have some wonderful bridge property I'd like to sell to you.


It isn't really surprising to me that there is a drop in trust as far as the media is concerned... that much is well and truly deserved. What is surprising to me is that amount of Democrats that still believe in it. How in the hell can you possible still believe in the media? 78% of you believe that the national news is trustworthy? Really?

I suppose it could be attributed to the wording of the question because it does say "a lot or some trust in the media" and that can be a very wide range of trust. I've done cocaine twice in my life so that qualifies as "some" but it certainly wouldn't be considered "a lot."

But I also can't help but think that Democrats are more likely to believe the media is truthful because most of the media are liberal, left-leaning organizations. If you were to rephrase this question and say "Do you have a lot or some trust in the information that comes from Fox News" the percentage would be significantly smaller than 78% for the national news.


I tend to agree with that woman above because I don't think the media is actually trying to inform us of anything. They are trying to convince us of their point of view and it has worked for the most part. Those Democrats that believe in the news...they are referring to lefty echo-chambers almost certainly. The Republicans, although their percentages are much lower probably only have trust in conservative echo-chamber news as well.

I just think that it is an interesting correlation that more Dems have faith in the media but at the same time most media is controlled by organizations that align with their political views. People don't trust "THE MEDIA" they trust the media that tells them what they want to hear.

I sincerely hope that you are not one of those people. I have a friend that has CNN on in his house basically every time I go over here: Guess what his world view is? Whatever CNN told him it should be

I also have a friend that is the same but with Fox. Care to venture a guess at what his world view is?

If you are paying any attention to any main stream media you are not informed, you are being intentionally manipulated. It is time to find another source of news or just don't watch the news at all. I would much rather not have any idea about what is going on in the world than to be lied to and manipulated by an organization who no intention of informing you of anything other than what they want you to think.

The chart makes me think less of people that lean left though. I don't know how anyone can look at the media these days and have any faith in anything that they are saying.


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