Canadians are organizing underground

I just returned home from a secret meeting with dozens of hardcore freedom fighters. Private residence, adults only, no cameras or phones allowed. We agreed not to leak specific names or details, but I do want to talk in general terms about the experience, and what I think it means for our fight against the globalist technocratic depopulation agenda.

( I would love to have recorded the whole thing, or at least taken pictures. Instead, here's a random snapshot of some Canadian mountains. )

How it started

My wife and I were approached by a contact we had met at the local weekly freedom rally, and told about the first such get-together. It was the following evening, the location being a local business owned by a member of the group. My wife attended, got some useful information, began making connections and plans. About 30 were there.

Similar situation this time, except Katie stayed home, while I went. They announce the location just beforehand, for privacy reasons. Going forward, it's not going to be able to be kept a secret, and at some point we'll have to deal with unwanted attention from various entities. But for now, it's just a really good bunch of freedom-loving Canadians. No recording or smart devices allowed, which I found awesome, because I myself don't own anything like that. It's nice to not be the only person around without an EyePhone in his hand, for once.

A fellow freedom-fighter offered me a ride. In the carpool there were a couple very interesting European ladies, whose parents had lived through communism, tyranny, and starvation, so they knew very well what is coming now to Canada. It's great to be around other free-thinking, intelligent, conscious people.

The property was just out of town, they had a bit of land as well as a HUGE outbuilding where the gathering took place. A massive stag head and antlers loomed over the room, which had a very high ceiling. A neon pot leaf glowed on one wall. As a vegan stoner, I felt simultaneously right at home, and slightly horrified. Perhaps that set the tone appropriately.

These people are serious

The meeting came together with a brief introduction, and then a talk from a woman who is working on filing "Notice of Liability" paperwork against various levels of provincial and local government, for breaking laws and violating the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. They have made a lot of headway, forcing the local teacher's union to push back mandatory vaccination dates, halting the use of passports at various events, etc. Apparently these Notices are quite easy to do - about half an hour of paperwork and $10 to file. And they have quite an effect.

A man from the back asked to speak. He was about 6'5, 300 pounds, long hair, lumberjack coat... But he started talking about online privacy, about big tech censorship, about AI, about Snowden, etc. He announced that when Covid hit, he began working on a secret platform, a bit like MSN or Skype, for the freedom movement to use if they needed it. He said he believes now is the time to put it to use. It does everything all the major programs do, and includes a repository of ALL known Covid-related information and files. It's by invite only, and the invitation expires 24 hours after being sent. It can be used for group chats, private file transfers, streaming video, and anything social media platforms can do. I gather that he considers himself Anonymous. He talked about dark winter and a few other interesting/disturbing topics. Afterward, I gave him my info and asked for an invite.

I got to speak about my own little initiative, which is a "classifieds" page I'm putting together. It will be updated weekly, and handed out in physical form, but also conducted over email. Basically it's a have/want list for anyone who wants to participate. You just have to be from our area, and outside the vaccine/passport system. In other words, Economy 2.0 is being created. Why? Simply out of necessity. We are losing access to shops and businesses, to work, to participate in the market. Humans living together need a marketplace. By not taking the injections, and associated passports, we are losing the ability to buy and sell. And so out of sheer need, barter and trade and private transactions are beginning to take place. My classifieds page is just a simple way of helping individuals outside the mainstream economy locate each other to begin a trade. The idea was well-received and I gave out every copy I had brought. I imagine it will grow organically from here.

A woman spoke who is organizing alternate schooling, daycare, and clubs for children under 18. What a massive undertaking! But then again, so is creating a new economy. All of these categories are pretty broad, but that's what happens when the society you're a part of gets sick and corrupt, and suddenly cuts you out completely. You have to do what it takes to survive, and part of that means taking care of our future - the children. They need a real education, not public indoctrination. Besides, the schools are going to force vaccinate children here very soon, without parental consent. Many within the group are pulling their children right out, and I think that's a very good idea. I don't plan to put my own little ones into any sort of government training regime. School used to be good here, in the 80s and maybe 90s. For the past 20+ years nobody has received a proper education in Canada, it's really sad. My wife is going to be helping in this venture, as she has a teaching degree she never got to use in the mainstream world. She's completely qualified to do it, and there's a huge need for people that can teach outside the corrupted mainstream. She won't be paid, but the opportunity might be her "dream job" anyway.


Aside from politics, surprisingly, something I specifically heard nothing about was: violence. Nobody suggested we storm city hall, nobody talked aggressively, nobody thinks we should form a militia. Canada has a very peaceful but free spirit. We don't like to fight if we don't have to, but we have a long history of defending ourselves (and underdogs). While our government may have lost its way in that regard over recent decades, I have found that the people have not. Peaceful non-compliance is the phrase of the day. We don't need to start fights... although we are beginning to have the numbers to do so. We can do this peacefully.

Now, do Canadians have guns, or not? They do. People think guns were confiscated but they have never been taken by decree or force. Some people here disarmed themselves, and getting licenses has been made increasingly tedious, and we don't have a huge gun culture like they do in the USA. But if you're wondering if Canada is armed, they are.

But like I said, that wasn't brought up. Nobody's talking violence. They're talking about using their numbers to get things done. To put pressure on public servants to do the right thing. To keep government and "health experts" honest. To go through all legal avenues, all financial avenues, all political avenues, and any other means of achieving freedom. "Stand in your power" as opposed to "take back the power". These people are serious, but they're not aggressive. Many of them are acting out of an instinct to protect their children and grandchildren from what they now know is coming. We're making a stand for our lives here.

Where it's going

This is grassroots. I've been involved in grassroots movements before, and there are massive pros and cons. There will be growing pains, that's for certain.

But what are the plans for this group?

Major action is being taken right now, and every day this coming week. These people are motivated. And they're not some poor group of activists holding signs in the rain, they've got money, connections, land, businesses, infrastructure.

Action is one thing, but organization is required to make it useful. So while we're definitely pushing to get things going immediately - out of sheer necessity as the government moves quickly on their plans - we are also putting a lot of effort into organization, alternate means of communication, contact lists, committees, and so on. Each person brings their skills and experiences into the mix. It's a little hard to describe, but there was a sense of common purpose that quickly brought all 60+ of us into a sort of vibe. 2 hours passed very quickly.

So things are happening rather quickly. And word is, there are cells like this all across Canada. EVERY city has groups like this. My town had 30 last time and 60 tonight, maybe we'll have 100 or more next time, and we heard from a neighboring community that their group is already even bigger. I've been saying for a long time here that we are not the "tiny vocal minority" the mainstream media keeps claiming. We are the VAST majority! At least 2/3 of Canadians want freedom and are done with the corruption and lies! Almost half of the country is fully awake at this point, and that only increases every day. A tipping point approaches.

Canada isn't a perfect country, but there are some really great people here. The land itself is unmatched in beauty and resources, but the people running the place (and the globalists running them) need a bit of an overhaul. Real people who desire Liberty are working together by any means possible to bring that about, and restore our place as the True North Strong and Free.

So that's what's going on here, and the parts of the world which have been affected by the Covid plandemic and vaccines. More and more people see the depopulation agenda and know they must do something in order to stop it.

I left there feeling less alone than I had in a couple years. Times are about to get a lot harder and a lot weirder, but people are banding together and forming communities and structures to survive. Tonight, I sat in a room filled with dynamic conscious people who have beautiful hearts that crave freedom. That in itself was a powerful experience that I'll never forget.


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