Israel's Parliament Has Voted To Dissolve Itself, Sparking The Country's Fifth Election In 3 Years.

Naftali Bennett, Israel's current prime minister, will be replaced by Yair Lapid tomorrow. Lapid, who is currently the country's foreign minister, comes from a diverse background including an Arab faction. This government collapse comes just over a year after it was formed, unseating Benjamin Netanyahu from power after 12 years.
The motion to dissolve parliament was passed with 92 in favour and none opposed. This followed days of disputes over a new election date.

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It has been decided that Israel will choose its new leader on 1 November.
The 58-year-old Mr. Lapid will become the 14th person to serve as the Acting Prime Minister of Jerusalem until a new leader is officially announced. He was an architect of the outgoing coalition government - a collective of eight parties across the political spectrum which tried but failed to find common ground following a prolonged period of gridlock.

The stalemate in the Israeli government over the past three years, characterized by four deadlocked elections, has been widely seen as a referendum on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's fitness to continue leading the country while facing corruption charges. However, with the government now dissolved, there is a possibility that Netanyahu could make a comeback and regain power. Though he faces significant opposition, Netanyahu remains a significant figure in Israeli politics.

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Mr Netanyahu, who is accused of accepting bribes, fraud, and breach of trust, has denied any wrongdoing. Mr Lapid, who leads a centre-left party, is expected to campaign to keep the job as the main alternative to Mr Netanyahu. However, polls conducted by Israel media show Mr Netanyahu and his allies are gaining momentum - but it is unclear whether they would win enough votes to form a 61-seat majority in the 120-member Knesset.

If no party receives a majority in the upcoming election, the country will face another election. Mr Bennett, 50, has ruled himself out of the race and revealed he will be taking a hiatus from politics.

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He tweeted a picture of himself on Thursday morning, thanking his 502,000 followers with a heart and Israeli flag emoji.
Under his leadership, the government failed to take action to renew an emergency law preserving the special legal status of Jewish settlers in the occupied West Bank. This legislation is considered essential for many Israelis.
Since his ousting last year, Mr Netanyahu has spent his time as opposition leader engaging in activities that undermine the coalition and encourage opposition parties to vote against government bills, culminating in the defeat of the West Bank legislation.

In addressing parliament, the former Israeli PM said: "The current government has failed to bring about the change they promised. They have failed to heal the divisions within the country. They have tried an experiment, and that experiment has failed.

"We are the only alternative: a strong, stable, responsible nationalist government."

Leader of the Islamist Ra'am faction, Mansour Abbas, joined the coalition in order to provide better funding and support for Israel's Arab minority. Israel's Arab citizens face widespread discrimination due to their close ties with Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and Gaza. Abbas' presence in the coalition will help to improve conditions for Israel's Arab minority and provide them with much-needed resources and support.


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