Those Mother WEFers Are Really Pushing Zee Bugs


Even though those mother WEFers have paid for all kinds of advertising to get people to eat bugs, not many people are biting.

So, now they have gone to plan B. Put zee bugs in zee products without telling anyone.

This really bothers me. You have a product, and the corporation changes the formula a little bit, and they add "NEW FORMULA" to the front of the package. And usually, the new formula is almost no change at all, especially to the ingredients list.

But when a corporation make a real change, a life threatening change, like adding peanuts to the ingredients, they say nothing on the package.

And now, those mother WEFers are planning to sneak an ingredient into foods that has a lot of people who are allergic to it. The mother WEFers don't care about your life, or anyone else's life.

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Bug meal is coming to your breads.
Bug parts are coming to your ground beef.

I would not be surprised if a great deal of foods marketed towards children are soon laced with bugs. They already have things like TSP ( Trisodium Phosphate) in them. Be sure to read ingredients, AFTER familiarizing yourself with all the trade names of bug-meal, bug-protien, bug-crispy-coating that will be all over the markets soon.

And if you are allergic to shell fish, you are probably also allergic to bugs.
So, be double careful.

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Why are the mother WEFers doing this?
This boondoggle is losing money. And it will always lose money.

Growing bugs without a free source of food (like a waste stream of kitchen scraps) is actually quite expensive.

That lab grown meat costs an incredible amount more in terms of energy and inputs than growing a cow or a chicken.

So, why are they doing this? Why would they do something so economically unviable, AND they knew they would have a hard time getting people to start eating them. So why?

Maybe they believe we will all be living in caves, and are preparing things that can be grown underground?
Maybe they want us all filled with parasites and cancers that will come from these products.
Maybe they get this huge grin thinking about getting people to do gross things.

Unfortunately, we don't have any answers. And since we do not think like a sociopath, we may never think of their reason.

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Remember, Satan Klaus said you "will eat zee bugs" and "you will be happy" (well, not exactly like that)

Those mother WEFers are spending gobs of money, doing these things all very hush hush (the bug growing plants are in little towns you have never heard of, out of they way, off the normal freeway trucking system). And they are paying lots for advertisements.

Whatever their reason, they are pushing bugs upon us. And they will not stop. They are of a singular mind to enslave humanity to their will.

So, be sure to protect yourself. And really, really get out there and start growing your own food.
Get to know your local farmer. Buy from your local farmer. Know where your food is coming froms

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All images in this post are my own original creations.
Bug Sandwich image labelled from where it came from.

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