Lithium-Ion Battery Powered Electric Vehicles Are a BAD Choice For the Environment and Humans


When you look at the entire Lithium Ion Battery Powered EV car market / social agenda / political agenda all you can do is shake your head. The whole thing is a bunch of lies. So many lies that it is almost impossible to discern the truth of any part of it.

Why would anyone push a young technology that is so fraught with danger? And push it sooooo hard?

Is it because people BELIEVE in technology coming to save them?
Is it because people want anything, any hope of something better, that they will overlook the truth, to see what they want?

Or is it that we have a bunch of evil people, that have evil plans, to destroy the world, by getting people to believe that they are doing "good"?

The reasons behind what people are pushing are hard to fathom, but the technology involved is easy to break down. So i will do that, and speculate on what T.H.E.Y. are thinking.

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The state of modern EVs

EVs would be the future of automobiles if they were allowed to come out 30 years ago. (and yes, people made EVs back then) But, today, the EV is being let out to the market with so many limitations, that the EV movement may die before it even starts. Further, what is an EV when compared to the flying cars that will be coming out soon?

The EVs were a technology that was kept from coming out. Trains changed to diesel-electric long ago. Cars should have too.

The Large-from Lithium-Ion batteries are a disaster waiting to happen. And, although the media is trying to hide the destruction caused by these batteries, it is leaking out. Lithium-Ion batteries break down, and they break down in a way that allows thermal runaway, which breaks them down faster. And then they burn at a temperature hot enough to destroy concrete and melt steel. They also do not need oxygen to maintain this chemical reaction. So, putting water on these fires is just to keep the surrounding area cooled. (An EV fire on a cargo ship, the water was continuously sprayed to keep the ship from being destroyed, it did nothing to stop the fire)

Further, the modern EV has range issues. Range anxiety is a real thing, and makes driving an electric car over any distance really annoying. Most people who have purchased EVs say that they will go back to ICE for their next car. And this was an issue in small cars. Why the blank are we trying to make large EVs? Why the EV pickup? This was just stupid.

Everything about modern EVs is just stupid.

Unless you wanted to create a world where no one could drive very far, and on top of that, create more pollution, and destroy the environment in many 3rd world nations.

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Energy? Why electricity?

Everywhere, TPTshouldn'tB are trying to get rid of gasoline/natural gas/diesel. It is in all the rhetoric. "peak oil", "all the oil will be gone in 20 years", "oil is what is killing the environment".

A LOT of effort was put into pushing this propaganda. And, i mean, A LOT!

Why? What we burn is burnt quite efficiently. We have cut down the pollution out of the tail-pipe quite well. So why the shift to blaming cars for all the pollution? And why is our response EVs?

When, in truth, power plants are not that much more efficient, and they burn all the worst fuels (gasoline is quite clean, comparatively) like coal and uranium.

Further, we have a shortage of electricity in most 1st world nations. We can't just build more power plants because we also have to increase fuel to supply those, and increase the train tracks to move those fuels. And since we are in a capitalist economy, electric suppliers are loathe to expand those facilities. Having their existing power plants run at near peak gives them the best profits. (idle power plants do not make money)

So, you have to ask the question, "why electricity"?

You also see a movement to get rid of gas stoves. Which burning natural gas or propane is clean enough to be done inside a house. So, why are they pushing to get rid of gas stoves?

Probably for the same reason they paid (a lot of money) to install "smart" meters on everyone's home. So that they can have ultimate control. They can turn off your power whenever they want.

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If we looked at any of this logically. Current EVs would be banned outright.

In pollution, there is no comparison. The current EV has caused more pollution before it gets to the showroom floor, than an ICE vehicle does over its entire life.

First, although burning fuel in a large power plant is more efficient then burning it in a ICE car, that efficiency gets eaten up in the distribution network (electric grid) and battery charging losses.

So, the only comparison where the electric car is better is things like stop and go traffic, or short trips at low speeds. (If you just use your car to go to the store, a small Nissan Leaf is actually quite economic) But, if you are talking freeway speeds and long distances, the EV loses out, when the battery drain becomes less efficient, and the ICE is working at its most efficient spot.

Further, the battery weight means the EV is lugging around an extra 1000 lbs. And that equates to less fuel/charge efficiency. Auto makers have been doing all kinds of things to lower the weight of cars to make them more efficient. This is going the wrong way.

The EV is not the hands down winner in the efficiency category.
It is not a zero emission vehicle, like they like to tout, it is a dirty, coal burning, slave labor built, piece of junk waiting to burst into flames.

(a piece of junk, because it cost more for a new Tesla battery then it costs for a used Tesla)

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Either T.H.E.Y. know about something that happens in the future, like free energy devices being normal (so electric production is no longer an issue) or T.H.E.Y. want control at any cost.

If we actually believed that cars were killing the environment/planet, we would be talking about anything we are today. There wouldn't be any cars with a 0-60 time. We would be switching to electric bicycles. Even a fully packed car is not as efficient. We could also make sure that each person lived near to their job, or we would mandate that all jobs that could be done from home should be done from home.

But, we don't see a push for any of these. We see a push for getting rid of gas cars and stoves.

So, all the hype about saving the planet is bollox. And the real goals are elsewhere.

Lithium-ion powered EVs will be short lived. They only exist because someone is paying a lot of money to push these. Teslas should still be over $100k if the customer was paying for everything.

The future of transportation is something completely different. Something like, most people do not leave their homesteads, because there isn't any need to leave their small communities. Or, we all have small, convenient, flying saucers. Something COMPLETELY different. Even if we still use automobiles, they will probably be something like diesel/electric.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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