E = Mc² the Most Destructive Thing To Hit Science Books

Wrong Science

Albert Einstein

Albert Eistein
  • Fuzzy Haired Crackpot
  • Plagiarist
  • PsyOp
  • Used his wife to do the hard math
  • Stole all of his ideas
  • Used to sell the single worst idea in science, leading scientist to look for particles that don't exist, matter that can't be seen and energy that cannot be measured.

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E = Mc²

The formula used to sell the newest generations of scientists on the idea that matter and energy are interchangeable.
To sell into the normal person's mind that atomic weapons can exist.
To add another attribute to mass that it does not have.

It has been shown recently that matter is basically hard light.
Or slowed down light. Or you get light to cross itself enough, it produces something that is solid.

Take this for instance. You have an atom made up of protons, neutrons and electrons.
And then you smash it apart, and even though you have the same number of subatomic elements... they weigh less.
And thus, the rest of that "mass" was turned into energy. (that is what the science book says)

Doesn't that sound silly? put that way? ABC weighs more than A and B and C weighed independently?
And if this is truly the case, we really need to look at the interactions between these subatomic elements.
(not the destruction of them like they do at CERN)

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Better results are gotten from using the electric universe model.

Atomic bombs are actually electrical force bombs. Not the destruction of mass, but the destruction of bonds.

Mass doesn't have anything to do with weight, or bending the universe or an amount of energy.
All of these made popular by a fuzzy haired crackpot.

Instead these are all electrical phenomena.
And this can be shown by things like changing the charge on items can cause them to float.
Spinning items causes them to lose weight.
and flying saucers just sit in the sky, like a brick doesn't.

Yes, i just said it. People's dreams of flying cars... Albert Einstein put a stop to the research that would have created such.

Further this aberration to science has caused all the of calculations that astronomers have done to be so much trash. If you expect that things orbit each other because of their mass, and you have been using this to figure out stars' mass, and then to figure out how far they are away... well, all of that is meaningless.

E = Mc² has destroyed a huge amount of humanity's time.
We should see that it wastes no more of our time.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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