Capitalism Is Dying! Long Live Capitalism!


Capitalism has many flaws. Its board is not level. Those with more capital have an overwhelming advantage.

Many say that "free-market capitalism" is the best form of economy. But, what if it is just "free-market" that makes it good, and capitalism, in itself sucks.

Too bad there cannot exist "free-market communism". That would be interesting, but communism, as a govern-cement, is anti-free-market. Central control is anti-free-market. The market depends on ownership of property, and under communism the govern-cement owns it all, so it has a really chilling affect on market.

However, capital is a thing, and we really need to understand it. Capitalism puts it at the top, which is probably not the best place for it. Communism tries to obscure the capital, but it is still there, driving everything.

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Anger at people with money

You would think that other people would rejoice when some other person had savings in the bank. Good for them, they are better able to handle what life throws at them. More people having savings is a great thing.

The problem here is that many people succumb to envy. How dare that other person have all that money in the bank. (even if they work on the same assembly line making the same wage, and one just knows how to delay gratification, and has saved) These people greatly hate that that other person has money and they do not. And this hate become anger, then fury, then it often flows into depression.

A lot of people are in the state of hate/anger, and so, can easily be bribed with money. Even bribed with merely a good dinner at an expensive restaurant.

And so, people with money can affect and influence people without money. The people with all the capital can basically make all the rules.

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What Made Capital So Bad?

It used to be, if you wanted to build a factory, you would have to get a bunch of rich people to put up their capital in order to build it. Or, move things around in your company so as to free up capital to start a new venture.

Now, we just go to the bank and get a loan.

With a debt based monetary system coupled with fractional reserve lending, the banksters can basically print money out of thin air. So, the bankster class can purchase influence of a lot of people (like congress) for no money. Their capital stays in the bank, and the loaned money goes to pay for the bribes.

It is this multiplication of their capital that gives capital such a bad name.

Most people do not have enough capital to make use of this system. Nor do they think of buying influence with it. Or of using their money as leverage to get more money.

Most people won't even buy investment real estate. The one place that is set up for more loans. And almost anyone could get in on it. (however, don't do that now, that bubble is popping) But, very few people even thought of it. Many who thought of it thought it was too dangerous. And so very few did it.

So, basically this was a rich person's game. A rich person only game. If your cash stash is not this tall, you cannot ride this ride.

And so, the banksters have made a system whereby they can buy up things and influence things and do so without using their money. They just caused more inflation. Everyone else pays for their actions.

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Capital vs Labor

Capital, those with the money, and the desire to start a factory have always had a problem with getting people to work. And not go on strike, or other disruptive things.

From capital's viewpoint, all that labor has to do to bring things to a halt is sit on their hands.

From labor's viewpoint, capital has all the money, which they will never have access to.

However, there is a HUGE hole in these viewpoints. They are incomplete. There has to be someone with a vision to create an assembly line to build a product. Without these visionaries, nothing of note happens.

What has happened with the banksters is they have made it almost impossible, prohibitively expensive for anyone to move into the space that they own. Have we seen any real innovation in cars these last few decades? Adding an iPad seems to be the only major change. Same with almost all consumer products.

The actual innovation has been stomped out.
And labor has been squeezed so tight that they can't not work.

This is because capital cannot compete with money printing. So, even those who would normally be able to make a new market, can't get their foot in the door.

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"Bitcoin fixes money" Meaning that banksters will no longer be able to print their bribe money.

3D printers fix manufacturing.

If no one can print money, then they have to earn it the old fashioned way. Make something others want to purchase.

And if anyone can start manufacturing with less than a car worth of investment, then no one can monopolize the manufacturing.

In this way, capitalism goes away. (not the free market)

Money can no longer make money. In the near future, we will realize that there can be no Usury with bitcoin. There will be no such thing as a savings account in the future.

There will no longer be a huge capital barrier to entering into manufacturing. Small, local, manufacturing can spring up at any time. Becoming a monopoly on any manufactured good will become impossible.

Further, the internet is already destroying the stranglehold that brands have on the market. Now, independent manufacturers can distribute straight to customers. This was not so in the past. Where you would have to talk to all the stores and convince them to carry your products. Often having to pay them to have your product on their shelves.

And, in these ways, capitalism is dying, but i don't think anyone is going to notice.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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