“Democracies” and their “freedoms”

“Democracies” and their “freedoms”


Hello free friends, I just want to give you a reflection on something that really worries me a lot, and that is that the population is deceived, the population believes that they live in freedom and they do not and this is dangerous because if you are not aware that they have been taken from you something, you are not going to get it back; he said; Jean-Paul Sartre that “my freedom ends where yours begins” and that is a reality that has been trampled lately and in what way.

The elites that govern us have been extremely skillful and have assimilated two terms, which at first seemed like a tandem, such as democracy and freedom, but which, with the use of language and distortion, have turned the word democracy into a wild card in a patent of Corsican, in an abra cadabra with which the outrages committed with freedom are covered.

And freedom and democracy are not the same; Freedom is in which the individual participates in his decisions, he leads the life that he believes is convenient within logically certain social frameworks, in which he has to develop, but which he can exercise freely, he has autonomy and can decide about his own life. and that of his family, however, democracy has become something perverse.

The difference between democracy and tyrannies is that in tyrannies the person who limits your freedoms is a person that you do not choose, while in democracy the only thing you really do is choose the person who is going to be your tyrant; For the next 4 years, that is the only privilege you have in democracy to choose who is going to be your chief, your taifa, your tyrant, because we are seeing here that each and every one of our rights is trampled.

Coercion is being imposed on the population, that, even being healthy, having overcome a forced illness and socially pressured to administer a drug that until not so long ago was in the experimental phase, a society in which there is a single thought, a society in the style of any tyranny in use, where there is only one official version in the media, a node.


A society in which, if you say what you think on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter they close your account, a society where I cannot move, where I cannot enter a bar if I do not agree to their blackmail, a “free society ” is the one in which the media advises you not to have dinner with your family, we are close to being North Korea; recently it came out that in North Korea they had decreed 10 days without laughing, it was forbidden to laugh for 10 days on the anniversary of the death of King Jong-un's father, what difference is there between that and being told that on Christmas Eve, leave your mother, your father, your son, your brother, your nephew on the street because the authorities say so, because the authorities suggest it.

What kind of freedom is that in which the “government” comes into my house to tell me what color the toys that I give to my children have to be, a government in which it tells me not to eat meat, avocados or honey? , a “government” that prohibits me from moving, due to figures that it manipulates, that cheats and that are lower than those of a stationary or endemic flu.

A “government” in which I am forced to change my car, I am forced to change my car in a few years, I am going to be prohibited from having a certain vehicle and it has to be electric, a government in which He is going to charge me for driving on the roads and highways that I have already paid for with my taxes.

This really is democracy, a “government” in which you are taxed, in which you work 6 or 7 months a year to pay taxes and from month 7 what you earn is for you, a “government” that prevents you from traveling with freedom, think about that, democracy yes, it is democracy because you choose who is going to steal your Freedom in that period of time.

Stay Free.

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