Texas leaving the Union is pipe dream for some but it isn't going to happen

I don't even know why people bother spreading this stuff around the internet but they do it anyway. This isn't the first time that Texas has talked about doing this as it seems to be a recurring theme down there.


It's being called Texit and why not, it seems since Brexit we have to have a catchy (and stupid) name for everything else no one will remember it. This is probably because the "Texas Independence Referendum" would confuse most of the people at Wal-Mart or something but that is what it is being called.

I actually do think that Texas leaving the Union would benefit the United States as far as all the political bullhicky that is going on these days is concerned but it isn't as simple as Brexit since the United Kingdom was never really as bound to the EU as a state in the United States is. They can leave that Union just like any other country can whenever they feel like it. However, just like when California talked about being it's own country during Trump's presidency this referendum has as much chance of actually happening as I do of winning the lottery while being struck by lightning on the moon.


Why state representative Kyle Biedermann is doing this is anyone's guess and he hasn't officially filed the paperwork, whatever that would entail, to get the ball rolling towards a rapid dead-end anyway. I personally feel as though he is doing this in order to get more attention for himself as he may be seeking to move up a bit to a higher office such as a federal representative instead of a state one.

Here are the reasons why states can't just leave if they feel like it or in this case, are very unhappy about the results of a presidential election. This is not a proposition that is up to a state to decide on their own. If it were, we would probably have seen this happen many times in the past and well, this isn't the first time that The Lone Star State has had some chatter about doing precisely this.

In order for a state to leave the Union, which technically is possible they have to have all of these boxes ticked.

  • A majority of the Federal House of Representatives would have to vote to approve it
  • A majority of the Federal Senate would have to vote to approve it
  • As if that wasn't impossible enough, 3/4 of the country's State Legislatures would also have to approve the move.

Look at those above requirements and tell me that you honestly believe that something like that would ever happen? The blue states would vote "no" just out of spite for a start and forming your own economy, military, and whatever the hell other red-tape nonsense goes into making that sort of thing happen simply isn't going to happen.

The only other way that a state could leave would be by armed revolution and come on man, that isn't going to happen either.

While the people in Texas who "want their own country" might be the loudest ones on this topic, I would be willing to bet that even though they are upset and feel at odds with other States, a majority of Texans would probably prefer to be able to travel to other parts of the USA without applying for a visa.

I believe that the USA could be better off if it was split into multiple countries but it simply isn't going to happen. Instead of putting his cowboy hat on and going on TV spouting nonsense about something that is impossible it would be better if he would address election reform... but then again, would anyone listen? Probably not.

His reasoning behind bringing this up is almost certainly self-serving and I hope that enough people are clever enough to realize this. The way that things have been going for the past decade or so, I wouldn't count on that being the case.

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