New "crime-fighting" money from Congress re-opens the stupid gun debate yet again

It seems like they just can't help themselves when it comes to gun-legislation. After it appeared as though some cities were intentionally working against their own law-enforcement during the defund the police portion of the craziness that took place during the BLM riots, everyone acts all stunned when after defunding the police crime goes up. Imagine that! A place that already has a bunch of crime stops punishing offenders, starts vilifying police officers any chance they get, and also takes the rights of civilians to carry firearms away from them experiences a rise in crime? You can not be serious? Unpossible!

Well recently Biden said he is requesting 38 billion dollars from Congress to help bolster police efforts across the country.


As you can imagine the speech Biden gave was a bumbling mess despite the fact that he was clearly reading from a teleprompter. Biden also invited a bunch of police chiefs to the White House to discuss what could be done but take a look at this still from the news story and see if you notice anything.


The only people featured in the photo op at this meeting that supposedly took place were all black. I'm not saying that police chiefs cant be black or anything racist like that but there is no denying that the White House is definitely pandering in this situation, just like they always do. I'm not saying that conservatives don't do the same thing because they definitely do. My money on Trump's VP pick is Tim Scott because of, well, you know why.

This is all fine and dandy but it's a bit laughable at the timing of this decision to ask Congress for more money for police operations: It's because we are approaching an election and it has been revealed that for a great many voters that "crime" is one of the main factors for them in choosing who to elect. Dude had years to do this but waits until now to do it because they will come up with some sort of reason as to why nothing changed despite the money being spent saying that the programs haven't taken effect yet or something along those lines.

It's all just pandering and hopefully people aren't falling for it.

The main thing that annoyed me about this meeting was that one of the police chiefs that was interviewed after this supposed meeting said that one of the things they were hoping to work on was to "convince people to not carry guns in the first place." You know what that means right? Well it means that law-abiding people like myself that stay strapped at basically all times and therefore ensure the safety of the area that I live in could potentially be targeted as criminals while in the meantime actual criminals, as it turns out, don't really care about laws.


So what this means is that once again the liberals are going to attempt to blame gun deaths on people who legally acquire their firearms rather than the criminals who are actually the ones committing the crimes. They do this every couple of years or so and it never works to accomplish anything other than to rally the supporters around a debate that is truly a dead horse. They know that they cannot change the 2nd amendment so instead they just get people worked up about it again and will then try to paint their opponents as someone who is encouraging crime when in actuality the reverse is the case.

The county that I live in has some extremely light requirements for gun ownership and we also have open-carry, concealed carry, as well as castle doctrine - which means that you can legally defend your home, property, and life with lethal force. As a result my county has some of the lowest crime rates in the state as well as standing really nicely when compared to the rest of the USA. People don't F**k around and find out here because the "find out" portion can very likely result in their death. Strange how that works huh?

Also in the meantime we do not have people popping off shots for the sheer hell of it and if you walk into a department or grocery store here something like 30% of the people are armed. Nobody is going to attempt to rob my local Kroger when they know that 1 in 3 of the people that are there are armed and legally allowed to shoot them in this instance.

How would taking my right to carry my gun solve any sort of crime exactly? Well no one can explain that because it wouldn't solve anything. What they will do is use some outlandish statistics about how legal guns are stolen from the homes of people and turned into illegal guns on the street. That does happen from time to time but it is extremely rare. That won't stop them from completely fabricating the information though and their idiotic supporters will jump on board with it right away.

Thankfully the states are largely allowed to decide for themselves what their "gun laws" are going to be unless the 2nd amendment is repealed and this can never be accomplished without overwhelming control of the House the Senate as well as the Presidency. For an amendment to be changed two thirds of both the House and the Senate is required or at least 2/3 of the state's respective House and Senate. This isn't going to happen.

So why do they bother? It doesn't make any sense when they know it can't possibly be accomplished? It is purely a talking point to push voters towards an issue that they are too ignorant to know couldn't possibly change regardless of what happens in November.

It's maddening, but at this point I have come to expect idiocy when it comes to elections.

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