Just stop it! The performance of both candidates was terrible in the debate!

I didn't watch the debate because as I said some time ago I am taking a back-seat until the end of this election cycle. I did watch the "highlights" which is always a bad way to get information because depending on your source, they are only going to show you highlights that feature high points on the part of whatever candidate they want you to like. It seems that nobody is actually giving an unbiased recap of what happened in the debate but instead focus on personal attacks towards the candidates.

What I took away from the highlights that I saw was that the entire thing was one of them attacking the other and then the other doing the same thing. At no point in time did either of them outline anything that they are planning to do to improve the country with their prescience at the helm. Kamala danced around any question that was asked of her and Donald did his usual rambling and spouting of statistics over and over again to the point where even those that support him were probably hoping that he would just shut up and get on with it.


I don't think either of these people came into this thing with any intention of even trying to answer questions for the public to better understand who they should vote for, they just came in here to try to make their opponent look as bad as they could. For me, even though I am conservative and will vote for Trump, I think that they both just made asses of themselves and lead any right-minded person to hand their head in shame that one of the two of these people are going to be President next year. If the debate is any sort of representation of what we are actually going to get once they are in office, we are in for 4 more years of nothing really changing.

Both sides are claiming triumphant victory and of course, this is expected. When it comes to surveys it just pisses me off that these sorts of things exist because almost all of the sources that I looked at came up with wildly different results because when someone has a survey, they can just make the stats up or they keep asking people until they get the results they were looking for in the first place.


look at the bottom there. 522 voters. That's an oddly specific number don't you think? We can look at other polls and see very different results because all of these polls are useless and designed not to inform you of actual opinions but to, jesus, I don't even know. I guess to feed the fire of the particular candidate's voter-base? Let's also look at the point that there are people that are so dedicated to Trump and so many people that absolutely hate the guy, that there is no way they would ever say the "other person" won even if they clearly did.

I watched the highlights with a bit of horror because claim as some people might want to out there about who the "clear winner" was and whatever else they want to say... that debate was a rambling mess on both candidate's parts. Nobody won that debate but I know who the loser was: The American people.

A lot of people who aren't just political blowhards are completely fed up with this over-exposure to discussions about these two and we have the media to thank for this: Here was an article that basically encapsulates exactly how I feel and how an increasing number of Americans are simply tuning out to any of the propaganda spewed by either side. I really don't think that anyone honestly hasn't made up their minds yet. If you know one of these people well, I wouldn't plan on them ever getting any new information that is going to change their minds: The comments made by one candidate towards the other in this debate were just embarrassing to watch as neither of them at any point said anything other than repeated talking points and simply outright lies about the other. I learned nothing and I don't think anyone else did either.

And now I am going to return to completely ignoring any news about these two and I think my life will be better because of it.

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