Is anyone at all surprised about the Presidential primary results?

There are times in the past where "Super Tuesday" has actually been quite an interesting thing to watch. This time around, I don't really think that we really needed to watch it at all because it was determined 3 years ago that his would be the result. Trump dominated everyone and Biden didn't really have any competition even though I sincerely wish he would have because I think he could have been the first President to get primaried out of office. The fact that nobody stood up to oppose him just kind of shows that the system truly is rigged and that the DNC decides who the candidate is going to be, not the people.


Primaries are always more exciting when we don't have an incumbent candidate because then it turns into a free-for-all on both sides even though it is pretty clear which candidate each party supports and for the most part that is who ends up going forward. There were a lot of people in 2016 that though that Bernie Sanders was screwed out of the primary victory but then again, he isn't really a Democrat so no wonder they didn't embrace him.

In 2020 I suppose the Democrat primary was interesting but I believe that Biden had been pre-selected for victory and that the others up there were just vying for cabinet positions and name recognition so that they might be able to run in future elections for some other office.

This year, the GOP was a bit of a joke with basically everyone throwing their hat into the ring at one point or another with massive outsiders the likes of John Bolton saying they were "officially running for President" only to completely fade away in a couple of weeks.

De Santis faded out of the picture as quickly as he rose into it and while it seemed fun for a little while, I believe this was predetermined as well. It's a little convenient how he went from being Trump's fantastic Florida pal to criticizing the hell out of Trump to saying nothing at all in the span of a couple of months.


"Super Tuesday" came and went without anyone really paying much attention to it. I am sure that the struggling news networks were a bit disappointed about this but hell, they are a big part of the reason why this song and dance with the primaries has lost a lot of its impact in the past 20 years anyway.

When I think about what the situation was half a year ago and with all the campaigns getting contributions I can't help but wonder what the hell people are doing with their money. Chris Christie gets campaign contributions? Why? Did anyone really think that his fat ass ever stood an ice cube's chance in hell at actually winning this thing? When stuff like that happens it just makes me feel like people make contributions simply to curry favor with someone that still has a lot of powerful connections and that they never really thought Christie had a chance to begin with but they knew that he would be able scratch their backs at some point down the road. I guess that is just how politics work and I shouldn't be surprised.

So now we are going to have the next 8 months be filled with tons of hit pieces coming from the right and left and the only thing that remains to be seen is are the debates actually going to happen?

If I was on Biden's team I would avoid this at all costs but I am extremely curious to see what a shit-show that would end up being if it did happen. Trump would ramble on and on and on about the same talking points over and over and Biden would probably have someone give him the questions beforehand yet still bumble through his answers. Either that or he would get all jacked up on whatever concoction they give him when he has to make an important speech.

The world will be watching if the debates do happen and it could be some fantastic ratings for the networks if they can pull it off. Unfortunately it will likely just be a chance for the entire globe to get a good look at how awful politics in the United States have become. We spend billions every 4 years to elect someone to a job that pays hundreds of thousands. Sheesh.

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