I really don't understand the racial fascination of the media in relation to crime

I don't really read the news very often because I don't believe that almost any of it is going to have any sort of facts in it. Mostly I think that news these days has become targeted advertising to people that already believe in a certain "product" with the product being a certain political way of thinking. This is true in most people's lives regardless of where they stand on certain issues. I think that people could actually be better free-thinkers if they were simply to listen to another point of view that is contrary to their own in a calm and sane manner. But we don't get very much of that anymore do we? Everything is loaded or is lied about and the media is largely responsible for this and yes, I mean conservative media as well.

With the recent Kansas City shooting the identity of the shooters was initially withheld from the public and they have a ton of excuses as to why that is but I think all of us know the reason why that is: It is because the shooters were black.


While I do not watch his show I was fwd a clip of Anne Coulter making a comment on Bill Maher's show and they were discussing the fact that the media was withholding the identity of the suspects and she simply said "if they were white we would already know." Sadly, I think that everyone can say that this is definitely the case. The media has this apparent objective to portray white people as violent and black people as the opposite. Both races and all others are capable of violence so why is there such a focus on one and not the other?

The media initially stated that they were unable to release the suspect's identity because he was a minor. But that didn't really stop the media from identifying other minors that you might have heard of


Remember this guy? Well he was a minor at the time and the media didn't really concern themselves with that in this situation now did they? In fact, the media did everything they possibly could to vilify this kid any chance that they got. He was made to look guilty by the media for months until eventually he was found not guilty on all charges in a court of law. I don't know if he sued any of the media for what they did to him, but I certainly hope so.

There was also that 9-year old kid who had facepaint on at a Kansas City Chiefs game and the media didn't seem all that concerned that he was not only a minor, but also completely innocent of all that they were accusing him of.


Not only did they use a minor in a story that went viral, albeit mostly for the sake of attacking the media for being idiots, but they found out who he is and published his name. This was a deliberate attempt to ruin this kid's life and for what? Because he puts some facepaint on to go to a football game? The media desperately wanted to try to make this kid out to be racist.. thankfully they failed miserably at this.

To get back to the Kansas City parade shooting, as it turns out, the shooters weren't even minors and I suspect the media was aware of this all along.


Lyndell Mays is 23 years old... just a mere 5 years from being a minor. The other guy was 18.

They can make all the excuses they want but the fact of the matter here is that the media has some sort of strange objective to expose white people for crimes or event fabricate "crimes" they have committed and to hide the crimes of minorities and bury them like they never happened. I sincerely hope that most people out there are smart enough to see through this crap.

If you knew nothing about America and had no idea what it was like to live there and relied entirely on the news to get an understanding about crime over there a person would have no choice but to just assume that white people are terrible and the minorities are constantly living in fear of them. That isn't the case at all.

Just look at the quote from one of the most famous civil-rights activists in American history


I don't want to make anyone or any race out to be the "bad guys" but is it really so much to ask for the media to not have an objective based on lies to create this false narrative? I suppose expecting any honesty out of the MSM is really too much to ask at this point since we have achieved the "full retard" point in our media history in USA.

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