Biden's Super Bowl commercial was pathetic

I was happy that there wasn't a ton of political ads during the Super Bowl this year. Politics invading every aspect of our lives is something that I think most people tire of and I was happy that neither Trump nor Biden attended the Super Bowl and both of them stayed away from trying to use the event to promote themselves. Biden refused to do the traditional pre-game interview with the President, which is normally just softball questions anyway regardless of who is President at the time. But as I am sure you have noticed politics in the US have become considerably more toxic in the past decade than ever before in the past that I can remember. I feel as though Joe skipped this interview because he seriously struggles to put sentences together about anything at all and his handlers probably advised that there was no way that this would work out in his benefit even if they only talked about football and ice cream during the interview.

Biden did have a commercial during the Super Bowl though and while it wasn't directly about himself and didn't even mention Trump's name, that didn't stop it from being a dumpster fire.

It happened before the Super Bowl actually began so it didn't fall into the "$1 million for 30 seconds" category that commercials during this game are so famous for, but it was close enough that I ended up seeing it. At first I was thinking "oh for crap's sake.... no politics during the game!" Thankfully it only happened one time.


It starts out very awkward as it is evident that he is struggling to read his lines but at this point I think everyone expects this of the man. He is obviously reading cue cards or a screen in the distance but even then he seems wooden and out of sorts.

The commercial addressed "shrinkflation" which is just a made up word that started to happen in the past few years.

What this means is that snack companies or just companies in general are reducing the amount of product that is in the containers or increasing packaging or air inside of bags of chips while keeping the containers the same size. Biden was calling upon companies to stop this practice because the "American people are tired of being played for suckers."

Well I am going to agree with us being tired of being played for suckers Joe, but your stupid commercial is obviously assuming we ARE a bunch of suckers because you don't give a damn about how Oreos are packaged, you just want to detract away from the fact that food has become a lot more expensive under your administration. The economy is ranked as one of the more important issues for voters this year and it is also one that people, whether rightfully or not, think Joe is managing terribly. Therefore, this commercial is an attempt to blame the snack food companies for this rather than accepting any responsibility for it.

The only way that snack food companies could possibly return to how things were before and not "shrinkflate" things would be to increase the price of the carton, or to use even cheaper ingredients. The 2nd thing would be worse than the first because most of these snack food contain nothing but chemicals anyway.

Of course comments are disabled on this because if they weren't it would get totally torn to shreds there.

I did a tiny bit of acting when I was in high school and I don't think I have ever seen anyone that was this bad at acting. Biden no doubt had an unlimited amount of takes to get that 30 second commercial done but even then he seems to be bumbling his words. I would absolutely love to see some of the outtakes where he all of a sudden starts rambling about his leg hair or Corn Pop.

Of course conservative media outlets are mocking the hell out of this commercial and liberal ones are doing their best to protect old Joe as much as possible. It's just so predictable at this point. I think that everyone can agree about one thing though if they are being honest: That's just a horrible commercial! Of all the things that Americans and the world are facing right now Joe goes on TV to talk about how Gatorade and Doritos are exploiting their customers? Ha!

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