Biden declared "best gun salesman of the year" and for good reasons

I remember back when there was another fella in the White House who kept talking about banning this gun and that gun and started talking about reforms and as per usual going specifically after the AR-15. That was the year that myself, two of my family members, and several friends of mine purchased an AR-15 and to be honest, I wasn't even contemplating the purchase of said weapon until Obama was pushing to have the weapon banned. It is now my favorite long gun.

Pew pew pew

Biden has continued in this path of "strong talk" about additional gun laws that only people who obey laws would pay any attention to anyway and only a complete idiot would think that any of these changes would impact actual criminals in any way. Also the recent nomination of a "gun-control advocate" to be the head of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) has lead 2nd Amendment lovers like myself to consider and in many cases purchase additional weapons.

Call me a gun nut if you want to, I honestly don't care. But attempt to do harm to me or my property at your own peril!

I am not alone in this rush to purchase firearms either as we are only half-way through the year and the amount of background checks has surpassed total applications for entire years in the not-too-distant past.

Sales are skyrocketing as well. Smith & Wesson just reported the highest fiscal year sales numbers in the entire history of the company. Their latest quarterly report was the highest that the company has ever seen as well. Other firearm manufacturers are seeing massive increases in sales as well, some as high as 50% over the previous year.

I think there are factors beyond just the bumbling reading of teleprompter talk that Biden does that is behind this though. The fact that in major cities around the US the police force is proving increasingly useless because their legislators prosecute police, but let criminals go, have seen a record-level of police leaving these areas including some that will no longer respond to certain types of crimes due to massive amounts of police opting for early retirement or getting reassigned to new areas. If I was a member of one of those communities (and I thank God every day that i am not) I would be acquiring a gun as well since the police, which I am not a fan of anyway, have basically had all of their abilities to enforce the law taken away from them.


My community has a very high gun-ownership rate and lo' and behold, we have extremely little crime as well. I don't look forward to what could be coming for these other chaotic areas that I am extremely happy that I don't live in but when the police wont or cant do anything, you better be prepared to take care of it yourself. I think that more Americans are starting to realize this and while it is just a joke really, Obama and Biden truly are the best gun salesmen that the United States has ever seen.

Turns out that many people don't like to be told that they are going to not be able to get guns, which is something I don't think will ever happen anyway since it would take changing the Constitution to make that happen and this process is immensely complicated and simply having a few more Senators and House Reps isn't enough to make it happen. Joe's teleprompter babblings are only helping gun manufacturers to rake in record profits though and if his objective is to truly get people to buy less guns, his handlers should probably stop writing those sorts of things into his speeches for him to mispronounce.

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