A new Supreme Court judge to be a black woman... says Biden

Or at least that is what Joe Biden recently said is going to happen in his and the rest of the left's fixation on race. I'm not saying that a black woman wouldn't be qualified to be a Supreme Court justice, but just like any other job, wouldn't it be more prudent to actually find someone who is the best for the job rather than sticking to some sort of racial profile before any potential candidates have even been looked at?

The whole reason why this is even happening is because in my opinion, the writing is on the wall: Biden and his handlers feel as though the time that the Democrats are in power is going to be very limited and they pressured one of the older existing justices to retire early in preparation for the inevitable. Stephen Breyer is 83 years old and may already be tired of working anyway; I know I would be if I were still working at that age, even if it was in one of the most prestigious jobs in the world.


I have nothing against Stephen Breyer. To be honest I don't really even know anything about the guy. I do find it really scary and disappointing that the assignment of Supreme Court justices, who are supposed to not have any political leanings, are being strategically coerced into early retirement when one particular party is in power. The Democrats and Joe Biden are very aware of the fact that the mid-term elections are likely to see them lose both the House and the Senate in November, so they are rushing to get their pick in before it will become impossible.

I'm not saying that conservatives have never done this and yes, Trump was able to appoint 2 justices during his term in office but these were not coerced retirements as obvious as this one.


What's more ominous is that the Biden and Breyer appeared together as a "team" of sorts to make the announcement that Breyer is going to retire and also tried to make it appear as though this was some sort of accidental coincidence that was going to happen anyway. They must think that the American population is really stupid -and perhaps they are- because this is quite obviously not a coincidence. Biden and the Dems are very aware that confirming a Supreme Court Justice is a very time-consuming process so they better get the ball rolling fast in order to get it done this year before their guys are eliminated from office and nominating a liberal judge will no longer be possible.

The fact that Supreme Court Judges serve for a lifetime is a little silly in my mind. There was probably a time when this was a good idea but now that it has become what appears to be a partisan court rather than a blind, justice-oriented one, lifetime appointments probably aren't a great idea anymore. I don't know, I'm not going to concern myself with it because I guess I don't care enough.

What does disturb me is that Biden, before even announcing anyone that he or anyone else is considering as an appointee is already making race and sex a priority rather than who might actually be the best person for the job. Could this be because of the fact that his numbers are slipping in the black community? The once guaranteed black vote is slipping away from Democrats and now it is time to pander a bit more?

I don't have a problem with any race having any job but could you imagine the backlash that someone, especially a conservative, were to announce their plans to nominate a yet unknown white man to some important position before anyone has even been considered? There would be protests, riots, calls for people to resign, Twitter accounts suspended, and YouTube videos removed for sure.

I'm really not looking forward to what is going to happen during the confirmation hearings because it's just embarrassing to watch our elected officials argue with one another and play to the cameras for self-serving points with the public when everyone knows exactly what is going to happen in the end. Everyone is simply going to vote with their party with perhaps an outlier or two that won't even matter because it is guaranteed that when one party controls certain aspects of government, they are going to get their way. Whether or not the person nominated is qualified or not will become irrelevant and for months they will waste a ton of time and our tax money on pretending to fight for or against something that is inevitable. Get ready for any representative of Congress that opposes this mystery black woman's appointment to be labeled a racist too, because that is exactly what is going to happen.

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