Social Vices; Clash between Chad gold miners Leave one hundred persons Dead, What is the world turning into

Discouraging is the fact that the way humans react to given laws and admonitions shows the lack of respect and mindset of many people being ruined by beliefs and motives which tends to bring low human morals,aims and aspirations. Breaking of laws, stealing and very many social Vices have been a day to activities people cultivate that eventually spoils both their reputation and that of the country thereby bringing bad names to all and sundry in the said country. What are people conscience turning into as greater percentage of people don't care of what the aftermath of their reaction might be again. Noted is the fact that many countries both Africa and others are blessed with many natural resources which foster their economic activities but in all these what have they actualized with it and what good use have they put into it. The later is the recent happening in Chad as clash between gold miners lead to a bath of blood.


What began as a "mundane dispute between two individuals... degenerated", Defence Minister Daoud Yaya Brahim told the AFP news agency.The mountainous Kouri Bougoudi district near the Libyan border attracts miners from across Chad and its neighbours.The clashes occurred last week but details are only emerging now.The government sent a mission to the affected area - about 1,000km (620 miles) north-east of the capital, N'Djamena - when news of violence first came through.He added that the clashes were between people from Mauritania and Libya.source

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Owing to the fact that humans needs to struggle and find ends meet,things needs to be done decently and in order. The latest strike and bad clash that happened to the chadians have been a lesson to be learnt and something worthy of note that social Vices should be discouraged as the aftermath do live to testify the act in that lives and properties are been lost as recorded that one hundred persons are dead and forty persons injured.

Frankly speaking,the much natural resources are embedded in Africa but not much are been discovered yet. The main essence of this natural resources to help the residing citizens and augument the economy so as to live a happy life but the vanderlization and wrong use of these resources has left some African countries be a rustic pauper and no development that helps foster a good well being. Good use of natural resources should be encouraged as nothing last for ever.

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