Lt Col Michael Aquino Satanic Mind Control Cult - Oprah Show in Chicago!

NSA Michael Aquino and his wife on the Oprah Show. Hello Chicago.

There's a very poor quality VHS copy of the Oprah Show episode still available on Youtube which I want to bring to your attention.

I think this interview where guests Michael and Lillith Aquino are shown answering allegations from a young, bespectacled blonde man in the audience is something you should study & be aware of. The audience member claims to be an Acolyte of a Chicago chapter of the Church of Satan. He then admits to all and sundry that in an altered state of posession, hypnosis or amnesia he witnessed (maybe participated) in a ritual murder.

All usual fare by today's standards but after noticing the deft lip syncing Michael Aquino uses at 3m54s to befuddle the audience member, thereby ruining his attempt at somehow possibly implicating Lt Col Michael Aquino in matters such as ritual Satanic murder, I wanted to study the recorded Seven minute exchange (battle of the Wills more like it) between Michael, Lillith, the Audience Member and Oprah further. I know a fair bit about Michael Aquino and his work as a pioneer in the militarization of Psychological Operations for the United States of America and as unsettling as he is, there's a lot to be aware of about techniques such as his being used against you in your daily life.

The quality of the recorded clip uploaded to Youtube is very poor but perhaps that's a blessing in disguise: a sheer intensity of Michael Aquino's Mentalism capabilities still appear to be terrifying, despite the skipping VHS scan-lines and very low frame resolution (or perthaps I'm just a gullible audience member myself with them all being competent actors, in on the act to fool the viewers for higher ratings). Either way, black magic is definitely afoot!

Inducing "I don't Remember"

3minutes 34seconds

Play this timestamped clip back at 0.75x or 0.50x speed so you can still hear the audio. The camera fixes upon Michael Aquino's face and shoulders as Oprah asks the audience member"

OPRAH: "Did you participate in the stabbing with the daggers?"

To which Michael Aquino lip-syncs silently to the Audience Member, as if on cue:

AUDIENCE MEMBER: "I Don't Remember."

I find this really creepy, so there's a blessing in disguise with VHS recording being of so poor quality: it's not enough to not get the full effect of Aquino's Masterful Mesmerism bleed through to us as the audience on Youtube, thankfully.

Note how Aquino blinks really intensely 4 times in a row too, with the blinks spaced apart in their own tempo I think, along with his small, imperceptible nods of his head towards the Audience Member. Goading the now mesmerized Audience Member, while blinking intensely and evenly at him (like an owl), as if trying to scoop up his full attention towards his face and lips, and nowhere else.

By the time the Audience Member's lips are passing the word "remember," He is turning his head towards Oprah by his side; is he already in servitude & searching for the next set of instructive eyes to seek answers from? I believe he is and once you go back through the video a few times yourself, you will notice Michael Aquino's increase in tempo & intensity of blinking once the Audience Member commences speaking of Satanic sacrificial murder & the Satanic church he was part of.

Aquino's intensity of Owlish Blinking is combined with slight, almost imperceptible body language gestures & movements (again I suggest you play the video back at .75x speed to notice these movements) & voice projected as Spoken Command onto the Audience Member with ease. It appears that Michael is completely in control, in many ways more than the ones alluded to above; he also lies like a master, gaslights & uses melodrama to evoke sharp intakes of breath from a hushed live studio audience.

As the parody of an interview progresses, there's no internal memory searching body language cues from the blonde Audience Member anymore. He is transfixed by all the gazes and verbal queues from the various characters spellbinding him (Michael, Oprah & Lillith). He is so utterly befuddled at this stage that he will from herein respond only as required and only when given the instructions to do so.

Is there anything that The Temple of Set Leader Dr Michael Aquino can't do? I don't want to try to answer that question.

Other Notable Frames In This Video

Oprah checking her pulse via left hand on jugular vein in her neck, while interjecting with;

"No he didn't, No he din't, no he didn't"

There is a suited man standing behind & in between both Oprah & The Audience Member, he appears to be signally to Oprah how the rest of the questioning of the Audience Member should proceed. He looks like a Minder, looks like he is mouthing or whispering to her (or the audience member) too?? He also appears to unsheath something from his right pocket that either looks like a leather baseball glove or is a distortion embedded onto the VHS video during the recording process.


Garnet or Red Onyx Signet Ring

I've seen these rings worn by modern celebrities popular on TV & film today, yet our blonde Audience Member reveals himself to be wearing the very same type of ring, same color, same design. You can see it at 2m05s


Guess who else has been photographed wearing the same rings?

The Red Garnet Ring has special significance in Occultic Symbology

As Well As throughout the Annals of Ancient History.

Garnet History & Lore

  1. Thousands of years ago, red garnet necklaces adorned the necks of Egypt’s pharaohs, and were entombed with their mummified corpses as prized possessions for the afterlife. In ancient Rome, signet rings with carved garnets were used to stamp the wax that secured important documents. The term carbuncle was often used in ancient times to refer to red garnets, although it was used for almost any red stone. Carbuncle was thought to be one of the four precious stones given to King Solomon by God. Centuries later, in Roman scholar Pliny’s time (23 to 79 AD), red garnets were among the most widely traded gems. In the Middle Ages (about 475 to 1450 AD), red garnet was favored by the clergy and nobility. Red garnet’s availability increased with the discovery of the famous Bohemian garnet deposits in central Europe around 1500. This source became the nucleus of a regional jewellery industry that reached its peak in the late 1800s

It also has a very interesting geological providence...

Bohemian garnets - the gemstone, the history and the geology

The pyrope originates from garnet peridotites and lherzolites formed during the Variscan Orogeny. Later rifting and volcanic activity related to the Alpine Orogony has also influenced the accumulation of garnets in secondary deposits. These rocks from part of the basement of the Bohemian Massif, and pyropes are found in three general areas in this Massif: near České Středohoří Mts near Vestřev and in an area near Kolina. The use of garnets boomed from 1780 onwards. The main produce was long, multiple strands of garnet beads and bracelets worn on both wrists, which were believed to cleanse the blood and aid circulation.

The Gran Paradiso nappe in the Western Alps in Evidence The Money Unit Simplified

and somehow these many million year old geographical shifting of tectonic plates with volcanos forming magmatic rocks led me to here.

Which is near Switzerland of Course!

And here I leave you, continue an intrepid Archaeological Journey to discover whether the Garnet so coveted by the Egyptian Pharoahs may have attributed to their northerly migration to the lands of central Europe where new mineral deposits of it were discovered around 500 AD.

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