Hello guy and welcome to my blog! Today I will be answering the question for this week.

Four years have passes since the pandemic. What has been different for you? Is there something you'll like to bring back from pre-pandemic that's no longer normal?

The pandemic that happened four years ago was something else entirely, it just arrived suddenly. It was just for a short period but it felt like an eternity to me, the years was a year af adjustment, reflection and change.

Before the pandemic, my life was filled with activities that I took for granted. I used to meet friends and family regularly, I didn't travel much but whenever I travel, I do that without much concern, and engage in various social activities. The sudden arrival of COVID-19 changed all of that. At first, it was difficult to cope with the isolation and the restrictions. I missed the simple things like hugging my friends, dining out, and attending events. The absence of these activities made me realize how important they were to my happiness and well-being.

Working from home was normal for most people except myself. I am a teacher by profession and you need people before you can teach so working from home was a no for me.

The pandemic also brought a heightened sense of awareness about health and hygiene. Wearing masks, sanitizing hands, and maintaining social distance became second nature. These practices, although necessary, created a barrier to the kind of human connection that I cherished. Smiles were hidden behind masks, and the physical distance made interactions feel less personal. This lack of human touch and connection has been one of the most challenging aspects for me.

On a positive note, the pandemic also brought some significant changes that I have come to appreciate. I developed new hobbies and interests that I might never have discovered otherwise. I started cooking more, exploring different dishes, and finding joy in creating meals from scratch. Gardening became an activity that I found therapeutic, providing a sense of calm and accomplishment.

The pandemic also made me reevaluate what truly matters in life. It brought a deeper appreciation for family, health, and the simple joys of everyday life. I learned to slow down, to be present, and to value moments of quiet and solitude. The fast-paced, constantly busy life I once led now became something I hate and don't want to live again.

One thing I miss is the sense of security and stability. The pandemic brought about a level of uncertainty that has been hard to shake off. The constant news of rising cases, lockdowns, and restrictions created a background of anxiety that still remains. I miss the days when health concerns were not at the forefront of every decision, when traveling didn’t involve layers of precautions and risks.

Another thing I miss and wish could return to normal is being able to plan last minute trip, to attend concert, to meet with friends without worrying of health risk is something I took for granted.

**Images are mine **

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