2go Days Memories And How I Lost My First Phone



Gone where the days when Social media came into existence, most time when I sat down to think about life and how developed everything is at the moment, I just smile because I can't even imagine how it would have been if it is the same like the olden days where things are just simple and technology isn't this advance. I can remember how Facebook was the major social media platform then, when they are still running on kilobyte and data was really cheap, phones weren't common and only the big boys get to use phones.

The only time I get to hold one, is when my dad is back from work and he is sleeping, so I will secretly borrow it just to play games and whenever he caught me, I always received punishment but I'm stubborn, I will still take his phone. This first time I knew about facebook was on through my neighbour and I had to beg him to register one for me, so I switch from secretly playing games, to getting use to facebook until the day my dad got me a phone and I get to know more about things then I came across this popular blue app called 2go.

You know when everyone is talking about it in a way that you start having this feeling you are the odd one, I had to register because of that and started my new chat life, I was the introvert type and I rarely keep up with conversation but I have the special ones I make sure I chat to daily but I know I will never meet. Login into the app and chatting everyday was like a streak ( just like snapchat), there is this progress bar and level which serve as rank which we all talk about everyday, we always want to know who have reach veteran or masters, and you will be mock if you are still in expert or below. It was really a fun moment and we made lot of friends then and some even fell in love but not me because I had the chance but I blew it.

Losing my first phone was the most painful thing I experience back in the days, I almost cried, It happened when I went to a town that look like a village for my neco gce exam, couldn't afford a house to stay because the house there aren't much and the room space as so tiny, so all I could do was to stay in the school old library with 10 other people that came from our own registration center and I only know 1 of them, both genders stayed together, we created space for ourselves. So this very day, I had a fight with one of my 2go friend which was really personal and we couldn't settle it that night and I was hoping to do that in the morning so I slept off. The following morning, I had to rush to the stream to take my bath with some of the guys and I left my phone under my pillow thinking it was safe and secure there.

I was shocked when I came back and I found out my phone was gone, like how, within how many minutes, I searched and ask everyone in the room but no positive reply, there were just saying I don't know, I didn't see it. I wasn't myself for days and I lost lot of things especially my 2go account and sims. I do wonder how everyone forgot about the blue app quickly when other site like eskimi and all. Those days can't be forgotten.

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