Village Setting Would be Best For Fim

Punjab is such a land where sun shines and glorified the beauty of land, where air stops to see the besuty. Definitely, Punjab's village would be best for me to set frame of film.
There are many reasons behind choosing punjab village for a movie's setting.

Farmer's Land

Without any doubt, Punjab is the land of farmers. Farmers earn money with their hard works in the fields. The blood which run in every Punjabi is actually the product of those fields. If I will ever get a chance to make a film I would love to make a film on a Punjabi family in Punjabi village and obviously I want to showcase the struggles of a farmer.

image is mine

I really want that my characters of movie grow with the growth of crops. I want to capture so many scenes around the fields of crops. I am sure that those scenes will be the heart of the movie. Farmers spent their day and nights in their fields and I have seen all those struggles in my life because my father and my uncles are farmers.

image is mine

Most of the movies revolve around love. Love would be the theme of my movie but I really want to divert the pathway of love. Obviously I want to show the love for wife and lover family but interestingly I will focus more on love for the land. There is reason behind it, that with the passage of time Punjab is losing it's originally and its losing it's real values.

image is mine

Film will obviously move from childhood do adulthood and then to old age it will show the love in all the farms and in all the ages of life, same like a journey from plant to tree.

image is mine

Classic and Old Sites

Mughal architecture is all the beauty of subcontinent. Mughal emperors had done amazing work in architecture and their contribution cannot be neglected. So I want old and classic home where we can shoot the movie. That home should have a big wall and on entrance there should be a big door of wood. In the entrance there should be a chandelier lighting up the home. It would be more like a castle. But stop, Castle and this big classic house will be just for short scenes and for the takes of songs.
Well, for the normal life shooting i would love to show the home made with mud. That home will be decorated with blue paint and there will be different paintings made on the walls.

Image from pixaby

Movie will revolve around protagnist from normal life and both female lead and male lead will be from the humble background.
Film will follow the exposition from village and rising action will showcase the life of farmer and climax will show a tug of war between lives of characters. Then last part will be resolution which will ends with the death of protagonist.

Image from pixaby


Village offers us pure things, but we often ignores these ground realities. Infact during time of inflation villagers get deep effects because they live under humble situations. To acknowledge their struggle movie will be around their lives and will set in their own area.

This is my entry for #hiveNaijaweekly prompt


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