
Every person defines happiness differently. In life, a person can find happiness in anything. I have seen children in streets who have different definition for happiness, they wait for someone to smile towards them so they can feel happy. A Lady selling handicrafts on the side of road label happiness with customers who will buy her work.
For some, money is happiness, for others, food is happiness, nature is happiness,smile is way of happiness. In short, happiness has different predicates in our minds. From east to west and from north to south, Everyone is in search of Happiness.


Do you think that Happiness is such thing which is to be search? No, it comes from within. You are source of happiness.

Satisfaction is Happiness

Life is puzzle made by humans. We have made our life full of complications.Threads which are entangled in each other and we are unable to find the way out.
Our hopes, desires and wishes comes under the category of uncountable.
Walking blindly on the bumpy ride of life,we are in extreme desolation,we forgot that real happiness is under the umbrella of satisfaction.
Not sufficient is word which is irritating for the happiness. All the human beings are struggling to change the word Not sufficient into sufficient.
This Not sufficient thing has changed the face of world. That's why it's materialistic world. We all have materialistic thoughts and approaches. This is worse that we have linked our happiness with materialistic things. There remain no value to human values and priority has been given to materials. Life looks like circus where humans are playing the role of clown. In this circus, people will look happy but they are actually not.
Quest to get more is increasing the size of greed.
Everyone should question himself rather than becoming questions!
Question that where are you satisfy? In your family, friends, nature, money.
These all things combine to turn my face a smiley face. I cannot deny that money is not source of happiness. But if i lose money i will get it again by my job and skills but if i lose my parents, siblings, friends then i can never ever buy them with money.
There is no replacement for these pearls of life. Parents are the one who gives you love,life, words,world and everything. Friends provide you lense to see the world from different prespective. They collectively give you hope to get up everyday and to witness that high sky and shinny sun.
Childhood is incomplete without the images of siblings and parents,grandparents and other family members. Moments from life makes us happy. Satisfaction has a high super level and that is Gratitude. Gratitude gives you lesson to bow your egoistic attitude.

Money is Need

Don't bother your mind by mixing money with happiness. There is a big difference between need and happiness. Happiness is warmth feeling of love,joy and craziness. Need cannot provide you these things. Need can be assistance to get that happiness but in actual it's not happiness.

This is my entry for #hivenaijaweekly prompt.

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