This is the food I don't fancy from birth

The food I eat is what gives me joy therefore the choices of what I eat determines my mood at a time.

It is always a lovely time to be part of the #hivenaijaweekly prompts I really appreciate the mods and the curators here you guys a re doing a great job.
Now back to the topic, as a typical akwa Ibom son of Nigeria I know of many native foods in my state and have tested so many which I can proudly say there are all good in their different form people likes and dislikes things for their own reasons just like the topic says. Akwa Ibom is known for their super delicious and healthy food in Nigeria and one of our very popular food in Nigeria is Afang soup, almost everyone love this food

When talking about our native food I personally don't like is “otor nboro

Yes I don't like this food,but it's one of the best to it's fans. This meal is an akwa Ibom delicacy that is made from big bananas, it called in my dialect “mboro” meaning banana, these bananas are kind of rounded, smaller than a normal banana and also surgery when ripe. But for this particular food it is the unripe ones that is used to prepare it.



My reasons for disliking this meal is firstly it takes so much time to prepare I remember when we were kids whenever mom wants to cook Ator Nbodo we will all start looking for something else to cook because going through the stress of making this meal from start to finish was a turn off for us.

Secondly the way it looks and feel when in the mouth, personally I don't like the way this food feels in the mouth, somekind of waterery especially when oil is not added to it.

And thirdly the cost,to have a best version of this food you need to buy all the chewable ingredients ranging from meat 🍖,skin meat(kpomo), periwinkle,crayfish,fish and others to give it a good taste if not you will not like testing it.

However people that are of age really like this food my mum love's it so much.and it is the best food for both pregnant and nursing mothers, it is also given to the baby they say it helps in building up the baby. It is said to have many nutritional benefits in the body

This food is different from others in a sense that it is not eaten with plates and spoons, the scoop it into a tray then serve it with the hand like Eba.

I don't condem it or the people that love it every one has what's fits for them, as the adage that says that “another man food is another man poison” 😃😃 but this one is not a poison oo is just that I don't really find it pleasant to me.

This is a prove that the food is a well known Akwa Ibom food.

Thanks for reading through my blog I really appreciate 🤩 this is just my contribution in this great community.

I still remain @sylvasticks

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