My Worst Experience With My Siblings

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Sibling rivalry often occur in every homes. Children of the same household fight with one another for various reasons. It's very disheartening occasion as they supposed to love themselves but choose the opposite of every occurrences. What can be the causes and how it can be prevented?

I am the first son in my family of three kids and a single mother. My late dad died when I was barely five years old. As an infant, I witnessed the painful event of losing my father, our breadwinner to the cold hands of death. My mother stood up and carry all our burdens to grow and become men.

Our childhood was not pleasant as essentials and needed resources are limited. All the essentials like food and clothes are bought from the little fund from my mother's petty trading and farming. The available essentials are scare and limited which causes a big problem and jealous among my siblings. Being weak is not an option as we struggle with each other to get fed and clothed very well. For example, I sustained injuries on head and body because of severe punishment from my mother because of how I beat my juniors for their foods and other resources. At night, she will beat me up when there will be no external interference to adjust my mindset that I should feed my juniors first before eating or staying hungry without any hope.

Parents often have their favorite kids among their children. It's obvious and understandable. Reasons can be the difference in their personalities and features. In my family, everyone is an introvert and shy a lot. They hardly socialize with others and keep to themselves at all time. I am different and socialize with everyone freely. Anyone that visits our home, came because of me and they are my friends. This is my social nature which infuriates everyone at my home. I always be sidelined and hated on many occasions. To be heard or appreciated, I had to fought with my juniors for attention. It pained me a lot when others are living themselves but I'm hated because I am a talkative and sociable.

In our culture, we respect our elders and obey them on every instances. We don't call each other by their names especially our seniors and our seniors fiercely demands it from us at all occasions. As their senior, I demand such respect from my junior at all time. They had to greet and talk to me respectfully even when I makes mistakes or become irresponsible. Whenever I noticed any disrespect, I will amend it even if by any rivalries. For example, one day my uncle gave us food to be shared. When we are seated and ready to shared the food. I gave them their portions and take the larger part. Fight broke out and my mother mediate on that occasion to ensure peace.


Sibling rivalry is possible but does not last longer. Solution lies on having love for each other. Love is the perfect bond and we experience it when we grew up. Now, we stay on our own and not rivals but close siblings. We love each other and care for each other at all time. Our personalities have been understood and intolerance ensures our co-existence and love.

This post is in line with the month prompt by @leogrowth under the tag #mayinleo and weekly topic of our beloved community _ #HiveNaija

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