African Soups are my favorite Food.

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Food is life is one of the popular slogan among the Nigerian food industry. Foods supplies every nutrients needed for healthy living. Every animals depends solely on chemical composition provided by food for survival.

There are many classes of food available to the humans. They are very important. Carbohydrates and starchy foods consist of the most African cuisines. It serves as the building block of Nigerian foods classes. It's energy content is very high and needed for various activities.

Rice, Yam and cassava flakes popularly known as "Garri" are well known starchy food in African food setting. Hardly, it will not be served. There are various recipes of preparation.

In my locality, Garri is popular and favorites. After mixed with hot water, it becomes solidified and ready to be eaten with several forms of soups. Soups are prepared from many vegetables and herbs with some protein forms like fish, meats, snail etc.

Every home and clans have their special vegetables for soup. Pumpkin and water leaves top the chart here. They are very medicinal and edible. They contain several nutrients and water which nourish and resuscitate the body's organ and body.

According to recent studies, Oha Soup are most sought-after soup among the Americans because of its health benefits. These leaves from a trees common in my locality are wonderful and taste so good. But it's challenge, it's seasonal and mostly ready and mature enough with nutrient during December period. It is now being exported like other cash crops from Nigeria.

Bitterleaf soup are common soup too. The leaves are gotten from my area. The plant can be found at every home and it's leaves are readily available for this kind of soup. Although every part of Africa and Nigeria enjoy this special soup, but it is honored specially in Anambra and Enugu states of Nigeria where it is common in every occasions like weddings, burial and child dedication etc. Everyone present will ask for a taste of these wonderful soup. It's very significant and remarkable for it's nutritious and medicinal benefits.

Although all classes are unique and special, every human needs them in right proportion at all time to be healthy because lack of any nutrients in particular will lead to many deficiencies and illness.

All the soups prepared and enjoyed by everyone are my favorite. Because they are nutritious, edible and medicinal benefits. Thanks to @deraa, @merit.ahama, @nonsowrites and @hivenaija for this topic and platform to express ourselves.

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