Sweet young love

"Rose! Rose!! Rose!!!," Deji whispers from a small hole in the wall that demarcates our house and their house.

Deji and I liked each other, but we were still very little so we couldn't let anyone know about that especially my mom she would kill me if she found out.

I looked front and back there was no one coming, so peed into the hole while Deji was showing me the stuff he got for me.

In case you are wondering what is the connection between me and Deji, he actually asked me out and I like him too, whenever I buy something from him while is Mon was not there he doesn't collect money from me. Who wouldn't want to have a sweet boyfriend like that? But we didn't have time to go out or to flirt so all we did was talk from the small hole in the fence that demarcated our house.

What are you doing there?" My mom asked behind me, immediately I heard her voice the spirit in my body flew away and I couldn't move from where I was.

"It was rat mummy," I said as I turned back to look at her, she dragged me away and peeped into the hole then she saw that I had been communicating with Deji through the hole because Deji was stupid enough to have stayed there even after hearing my mom's voice.

"At this age, you want to be flirting with a guy?" She asked as she lunch a very hot slap on my face, the beating didn't stop there she took me inside and gave me a thorough washing and setting beating. After that she went to Deji's mom to warn her son, you know guy's mother wouldn't beat them I was the only one receiving several beatings at home, being a girl can be tiring sometimes. LoL.


The next day I couldn't go out because of the beating and it was on Saturday my mom went to the market, and immediately I saw her sitting on the bike that was taking her to the market I went back to the hole and whispered.

"Deji! Deji!!," His room window was closer to the hole so he heard and came outside, he climbed the fence and then stretched a big nylon to me, I collected it very fast then went inside to check what was in it before my siblings got in or my mom.

While I was checking what was in the nylon my junior sister entered, "Where did you see all this?" My junior sister asked and she grabbed a white nylon full of meat pie. Her voice got my elder sister's attention and all of them entered, they didn't bother asking before they started sharing the pie while I took a bowl of ice cream with chicken.

When we were full one of my elder sisters asked, "So where did you get that," I laughed and then replied, "After eating?".

I continued...

“Deji bought it for me," all of them laughed and while we were joking about it we heard mom greeting someone outside and we quickly packed all the nylon under the bed. My mom passive the pie smell but she didn't see any trace of it.

The last time I saw the guy was when he bought me some clothes and then gave someone to give me, my mom caught me this time and I couldn't explain why he got me cloth but this time she didn't beat me she told me that, "Maybe when we leave the area I can still come back here to see him".

Let's just say my Mom packed away from the area because of me and God so good it was her house we moved to and that seemed far from where Deji was and that was how our love ended, teenage love is always sweet anyway.

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