My Goals in 2024 are in check, I am roaring higher

Last year I was not active on hive like I am right now, earlier this year, 2024, I decided that, I am going to be more engaging and committed on hive, no matter the activities that may be coming up my way.

Then throughout january to april, I was not still all that active in the blockchain, due to what I was working on, afterwards, I remember that I set a goal which was to buy up my hive motivation in any way possible.

Last month when I finally took the nice steps, I first of all take a look at my blog and I was asking myself, how am I going to start with low resource credit?, on the other hand, that also became a reason why I should come onboard fully.

Therefore, it was from there, I set a goal for myself that, before a month time, I am going to stacked up to 100 HP, yes!, it's a small amount of HP, that some people can gets in a day or in a week but for me, I guessed, I was somehow freighten when I looked at how I was going to achieve my goal, but I buckle up and I made it so easily.

Something I really dislike is getting to know that, I can not meet up my goals I wanted to, so Instead of me to be setting a goal that i would not be able to get for myself, it's better I set the one I will be able to get easily.

Then continue from there with the happiness and in more days to come, I would set more bigger goals.

It can be so bad to lost in goals, anybody who lost in his goals would hardly get on it, unless he has someone beside him who keeps on advising that he shouldn't give up.

Goals to me are simply when we start with the ones we can gets, because the happiness of knowing you were able to make it happened would drive you so strong to set a bigger goals and for the facts that you were happy about the one that was attainable you would still used that same energy to achieve the next one.

Yes, in some cases we see goals like something that makes us to go higher, but at the same time, we do not have to set a more higher goals for ourselves, while we can't climbed it, to me, I can feel so bad, knowing that those tasks I set for myself are not coming in the way I assumed and those feelings of me not doing my best might start flying in my mind.

There was a time I needed a speaker, I wanted to buy a JBL speaker but I wasn't aiming for it at that moment because it was costly, then I bought the one I was able to buy and it didn't affect me, a week after, I got a painting contract that lasted for some days and it pays me good money.

I was able to pay for the most demanding bills I needed to and I was still having some cash left.

I bought the JBL which was the kind of speaker I really like and I give out the other one to my neighbor.

What am I trying to say, we can as well reach where we want even if we start with a small goal, the nice part is to stay focused, achieve the goals that's closer to us, get happy and then go for the higher ones.

In my life, I do not want to feel like I am not making progress and at the same time, I do not want to feels low in goals, right now, i am happy with the goals I achieved in the quarter of the year and I am going for more.

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