Looking forward to a successful life

Happy new week to everyone in the @hivenaija community. It's a new week to never give up, I hope we are all pushing toward our set goals for the year 2024. In response to one of this week's prompts, I would love to share with you all the aspects of my life that I take seriously and why.

I guess we are past the age and century where we discriminate about a child's gender but in a society where there is still some little belief that a male child is better than a female, I don't think a female child should relax and let the people's judgment be her depreciating factor. As a female child, I grew up with the mentality that a male child should be the most successful one but at a point in my life when I grew to a certain age, I realised I must make it and be successful irrespective of my gender.

Like the popular saying that "there is one in every family", that one person who always thinks he or she is the best and the rest of you are nothing compared to him or her. I happen to have one in my family also, the one who thinks because others didn't attend a good school like her children, other children in the family can never stand with their heads high like her children. This had always been the reason behind my serious, disciplined, and focused life.

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I had a delay a few years after secondary school before I gained admission. For five years I was struggling to gain admission into higher institutions though I engaged in other things in the space of that five years. I was on the verge of giving up when I gained admission and that day when I saw the mail that I'd been given admission, I was the happiest person on earth. My joy knew no bounds that day and in that instance, I made a promise that I would try my best to come out with flying colors irrespective of whatever obstructions on my way.


Sometimes I do laugh and ask myself that does this seriousness worth it? But because of the promise I made to myself, I can't just stop until I get there, I mean to that successful peak I desired. Things I take seriously in my life are my education and career, these two areas of my life are where I channel my strength with some reasons backing why I do so. I gained admission into a polytechnic and the notion people have about polytechnics is that they aren't as good as universities.

This one person in my family who believes she and her children are the best happens to be my aunt. There was a time when I requested her help for admission to the university her children attended and she told me there wasn't anything she could do about it. Then I decided to forget about it despite how pained I was then. When I gained admission into the polytechnic, she was the first person to say "That's good at least you got admission". To her, she believed that nothing good could come out of me in the polytechnic and I want to prove her wrong. Therefore, I take my education and career with so much seriousness.


This is something I don't care much about though it is expected at my age and ladies of age make it look compulsory but it's something I don't do. I have a small stature, a very small one that I don't look my age at all. My parents and friends always want me to go out dressing more maturely with make-up that could maturely match my age but this is one thing I hate most. Sometimes I do laugh at myself because my dressing at times looks childish and I don't take it seriously. Makeup is not part of what I like as a lady, it's more or less like a stress to me, plastering my face with different colors all in the name of beauty.

I love going out with my natural face irrespective of what people say or think. This is something I should take seriously but I don't, dressing like a teenage girl makes me feel comfortable and I love it that way but with time, I would try to adjust.

Thanks for your time and your comments will be appreciated.

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