Finding my path in the hive blockchain

Hive is a platform for socialization and development, the more you search for knowledge the more you get to know things you are ignorant of. This is why it is advised to always stay humble and teachable to learn the basics of the hive blockchain. When I began my journey into the hive, I got confused and lost at some point because despite being told how it worked, I still found it difficult to navigate my way through. I came to the understanding that building a successful career as a writer on the hive blockchain goes beyond quantity.

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I have read many posts that serve as an eye opener to me because of their qualities, I am a writer but I was unable to develop my skill until I started my journey on Hive. The first month on Hive was challenging for me and I wanted to give up but on the other hand, I saw Hive as a stepping stone for me becoming a good writer and this encouraged me to go on.


Firstly, writing quality posts took a while when I began my journey on the hive, my first two to three months were a learning stage for me. I wrote every day and still got less attention because my posts weren't up to the quality required. I had to read many posts of top-notch writers who are making waves on Hive and I learned from them. Then I began to improve my writing skills and then luck began to shine on me as I began to get attention from other writers who find my write-ups interesting to read.

Another thing that took me a while before I adjusted to was using the correct tags for each community. I found it very difficult to use the correct tags, my favorite tags for all communities then were ocd and ecency. I use these tags for all my posts where necessary and where not, it got to a point where my onboarder had to tell me to send my write-ups after writing so that he could know the correct tags to give me. And with time I was able to learn different tags for different communities.

Thirdly, posting on communities, before I learned that some communities do have their weekly prompt, I wrote on different topics but didn't know the right community to post into. My favorite community then was Freewriters, all of my write-ups went to Freewriters until I came to the understanding that each topic I write on has befitting communities that I should post. After 6 months on the hive platform, I was able to find my way around and improve on every side and that brings me to where I am today on the hive blockchain.

I am still learning because I believe my knowledge about hive is not yet where I wanted it to be. There are still some areas where I am lacking and that I will wish to know more about. It might take time but I know I will get there with hard work and discipline.

Thanks for your time and your comments will be appreciated.

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