Not enough time for these two.


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There are two things I haven't had enough time to do recently and I wish to find extra time to do them because, in the end, it is for my benefit and not anyone else. I knew how hard I went to improve on a skill I need which could find me an opportunity later in the future. There are some things we wish we could have enough time to get on them but due to some external factors, they are pending and instead of finding another way out, we fail in that aspect while procrastinating until we have no time for them again.


The first four months of this year were intentional for me as I had the ginger to keep at it while improving too. I downloaded 4 courses on Udemy. Two for teaching and the other two to learn Microsoft Excel and all that I need to know about the software. To be sincere, there was stable electricity then which made things easier for me and I was so full of energy every morning to begin my day learning some lessons online before other activities kick-started. It was fun for those four months, but after then, things went down. The once-upon energy I had went down the rail and it became a thing I never had time for again.


One of the reasons is the lack of electricity and it has been a major problem to me. But I have been using my phone and system ever since then as I find ways to charge, but the activities on me are always taking most of the time and at the end of the day, time has gone leaving me to hope for what the next day would bring. What if I tell you I am already forgetting some part of what I have learnt all because I haven't been practising on my system due to not having enough time for it?

Every time I open the Udemy app and see the unfinished lessons, I would shake my head while thinking of the perfect time to continue. I don't think there is always a perfect day but we can make each day perfect by doing what we need to do, leaving the excuse of "there ain't no time" out of it. I have promised myself to adjust soon and that can be possible after I am through with my NYSC camp which begins next week and would last for 3 weeks. Maybe then, things would have been better while having some spare time each day to keep studying my course online.


The second thing I need to do better at is doing more exercise. I stopped exercising two months ago and that is because there is not always time for it. I was also good at waking up very early in the morning to do some exercises which lasted three months this year. I managed to complete the first three months and since then, it stopped which I can't point out why I did. I bought a manual machine to make it easier for me but the spirit went down making me see exercise as a hassle. I do need to get back to doing exercise as I have always been doing with no excuse that there is no time as I am always glued to my phone and system, and before I know it, the time has gone. I would say tomorrow is there but I think tomorrow never comes as I keep postponing till only God knows when.


These are the two things I can remember not having enough time to do again even when I took them seriously at the beginning of this year but due to more activities, I stopped doing or creating time for them. I wish to get back too.

Thanks for your time on my blog.


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