I wish I can remove the responsibility of assisting myself in school.

Nigeria we hail thee, but there's nothing to hail.
Because we need to arise compatriots,serving our fathers land ,with love, strength and faith has brought nothing good to us at all but pains and suffering.
Hi , guys anytime you see a student out there especially in the university you need to applaud , encourage and help them out if possible, when they are in need.
I wish i was done with school before things got this bad,even people with jobs, work, business are complaining bitterly, talk more of a student without any means of having of getting income.

Photo source:https://pixabay.com/photos/people-emotion-dramatic-female-1492052/
They are many student who pay their fees, house rent , utility fee and everyone other things themselves ,they work and go to school .
My parents pay ny tuition and house rent , but the other bills i take care of itself myself ,and sometimes assist them to pay my tuition and house rent,when they can afford it for the main time.
I am in my final year , and the stress and money its demanding its too much, most time you have to eat once a day ,so you could just survive.
I am person that loves working, and that's the main reason i an studying agriculture in School,so i can go fully into it because it's really the way forward so far ,
I have so many things i do here in school just to meet up with meets,i crotchet,i make hair,i sale clothes and shoe online and now i decided to venture into shoe making of shoe,all so i can support myself full time.
Here some of the things i do.

I will be graduating next month ,i am just getting myself prepared to face the outside world because i know some challenges are filled there too.
I just pray i survive all the stress in this school and graduate with flying colors because its not really easy inside here.i just pray this could get better so we can survive because there's no hope of any improvement at All.
The price of food stuff is something know one can talk about,they are sometimes that having transport fare to go to school becomes a problem.i just want to complete this phase of my life and move on to do next , where i can focuse fully and then plan how to get my goals accomplished and then I help my parents, because i am the first daughter and first child of the family.
Assisting and providing for myself and sometimes ny siblings is something that hasn't been easy at all, that's why i wish i could remove that part.all the same i believe greater days are ahead.
And i will be proud for going to school and passing through all this stuggles,yes that's my wish.

Thanks you for reading,hope to see you again as you get more interesting write up from me.

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