Before You Get Married

Hello, beautiful people! Welcome to my blog. It's a pleasure to have you in this space. Once again, welcome.

Medical compatibility is a must before marriage if you want to have a healthy relationship. and this should be addressed early.

A lot of people are suffering from different health issues in marriage due to ignorance.

Whenever medical compatibility is mentioned, people limit it to just genotype, but it's far beyond that. I won't talk about genotype because most people are aware of it, even though some choose to be ignorant about it because of love.

Some years ago, a wedding was cancelled at my cousin's church a few hours before the wedding. After all the marriage counseling section, this couple was asked to go for medical checkups, and the groom said there was no need as both of them had the usual blood group and genotype tests and were good to go, but the church insisted that they had to do another test other than the ones they had done in the church-approved hospital.


The bride-to-be went and did the different tests they were asked to do at the church-approved hospital, and she was cleared, but the groom-to-be kept giving one excuse or the other and was always busy.

The groom thought he was smart and only showed up on Friday on the traditional wedding day, a day for the white wedding. He thought he was smart, but to his greatest surprise, he met some elders of the church marriage committee who insisted that marriage was not going to hold until he provided his medical report. After plenty of ups and downs and drama, they found out that the man is HIV positive.

Disease and sickness do not show on the face; the fact that one looks healthy doesn't mean they are totally healthy.

It's very important to screen out infectious diseases such as HIV, hepatitis, and sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

Knowing your Rhesus (Rh) factor is very crucial and important, mostly for ladies. The first time I heard about the rhesus factor was in my SS3. I was in a boarding house, and after I got home, I told mom I wanted to go to the hospital to check mine. As a lady, knowing your Rh factor is very important, especially if you have plans to become a mother someday. Most people are Rh+, so if a lady happens to be Rh- and becomes pregnant with a Rh+ baby (which was gotten from the father), her immune system will recognize the baby's Rh+ red blood cells as foreign bodies and begin to fight them and destroy them.

But this can be prevented if the lady knows that before getting pregnant she can receive Rh immunoglobulin (RhIg) injections when she's pregnant with a Rh+ baby.

A lot of people also ignore fertility compatibility. Some people have health related issues that can stop them from reproducing.

Knowing about your partner's genetic heritage is a must because some conditions can be passed down to children.

I also saw a post recently about the before and after of a lady who was once mad but is now looking posh and beautiful, and someone commented, "List of first date questions done they plenty o" I ordered words; mental health compatibility is also a thing.


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