The changes I will love to make to the world

Right from the time of cave men till date, the transition of the planet have been slowly taking place from being old fashioned to being modernized with technological improvements as well as mental, physical, physiological, social and medical advancements.

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The ages where caves were used as shelters have been eradicated due to the improvement of man's knowledge and the evolution of man from being an empty headed caveman to being a brilliant billionaire have been swiftly achieved. Currently, we have passed beyond he viking era of conquering and claiming lands, but we are in the era where we are trying to or we have conquer space to inhabit it.

Irrespective of the significant changes the earth has passed through, there are still tons of problems that needs to be solved for the earth to be well refined and perfect. It's like this: when we evolve, our evolution comes with a fixed problem to the world. For example, when, the plastic bag was made, it was a positive impact to humans but the mode of disposal is something that has caused pollution to the earth.

If I could change anything in the world, the three things I will change is

  1. The school system

  2. The waste disposal system

  3. Racism

  4. The school system from my perspective is a stupid system that teaches you how to work a 9 to 5(in Nigeria we do 8am to 6pm), making riches for an ungrateful boss.
    Sitting Ny Jets GIF by New York Jets

The school system does not teach it's students how to be financially free, but it teaches them how to be a "slave" for another man, while the man makes riches from the hard work those who claims they attended school.

If I have an opportunity, I will change the school system from A to Z. It's soooo dumb. I will allow students read different books about money and allow them to flex their mental capacity while giving them adequate guide. The students in this reformed system will be able to weigh the risk and reward of a given investment or something, and put in the best choice to make out huge profits for themselves instead of working a 9 to 5 for another man.

  1. The waste disposal system is very loyal honestly. I'm Nigeria, we don't have waste bins in the streets and as such, we tend to throw trash anywhere. I think this problem is for the government to fix, they should provide these things needed for proper waste disposal.

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Also, waste are being disposed in waters, as such, endangering the lives of aquatic animals. If I'm in a position of changing this, firstly, I will recycle waste that can be recycled, then the waste that cannot be recycled, I will build a large incinerator for that purpose instead of disturbing the waters.

  1. Racism is no doubt one of the world coded problem. Some Europeans don't like Africans due to their skin color. Growing up, I learnt that no matter the skin color of anyone, we are the same flesh and blood. I have red blood running in my veins as whites have red, I don't have four arms and they don't neither. Irrespective of the accent and language, I believe race is created j. A very unique way and that should be accepted by everyone. Racism is a mind problem, just like how we are made to believe from birth that God is all powerful, that's how people are made to believe from birth that blacks are dangerous and not to be associated with.

If I have a chance, I will try to change the mindset of people towards each other (a very difficult thing to do) and I'll make them believe that we are one and the same irrespective of the color or accent difference.

The world is a small place with beautiful memories but we should be our brothers keeper if we want to survive in the harsh scenes of nature.

Thank you for stopping by, I hope to see you next time.

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