Hivenaija weekly prompt. A skill that outshines every other skills.

(Photo from #hivenaija community )

Welcome to my blog. Thanks to the Hivenaija community for coming up with the weekly challenge. It's always my pleasure to participate. Of the two topics available for the week I saw this one as more enticing and interesting.

1️⃣We all have that one skill, either acquired or inherent in us that outshines our other skills and we are almost certain that we can do it better than most people. What skill is that and how has it impacted your daily life

Since this week's topic deals with skills. I am very skillful in teaching. And I believe that no one can do it better than I do. I remember during my national youth service year in one of the states, I told my class that anything I teach them and they fail to understand I doubt if anyone else will be able to teach them to their understanding. I said that with all amount of confidence because I know that right from my secondary school days. I will teach my mate a topic that they found so difficult and suddenly the thing that looks so herculean becomes as simple as ABC.

At the university, I had an influx of students storming my residence to be taught. One of the courses that people found very difficult was statistics however, it all started when I sat a friend down and explained the subject to him, he came back the following day with two other friends and before I could realise it, many people started coming. There are always results and evidence for everything done. So whenever someone does the right thing people will say it out and vice versa.

Away from school, at the church I happened to be a Sunday school and occasional Bible studies teacher. Most time the elders will come to me to ask how I got those information and understand to share with them. I will just smile and tell them it's from God.

I remember teaching a few students preparing for the West African Examination (waec) and all of them came out with flying colors. Years ago I was doing my transportation business when u had to resign and take up a teaching job in one of the private schools. Teaching is inherent and I can do it effortlessly.

Teaching has positively impacted my life in such a way that seeing people I have taught excelling gives me joy that overflows. Also, it has help me to be intentional in all that I do knowing full well that I am a public figure in my domain. Before I step out of the house I must be properly dressed and neat. I know that the number of people that knows me are more than the one I do not know. Teaching as help instills discipline and hard work.

Among every other skill I know I am really good at teaching. I have driving skills, I can cook, I can draw, I am so good at painting, I can write. In all of these, teaching turns out to be the first among equals.

However, I am making plans to establish a citadel of learning by next year. This is my 2024 goal. I have to transfer this special gift of grace to the next generation and see them excelling in it.

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