My Family, My Happy Place

Hello everyone, trust y'all had a great day. It's fun posting another engagement for the week. Both topics are interesting ones but i would love to share my source of happiness.

The concept of happiness can have a different meaning for different people. In general, happiness can be defined as the experience of feeling content or satisfied. Now that we have a basic understanding of what happiness is, we can begin to examine more closely into the many different dimensions and aspects of what it truly means to be happy.

My friend may have a different definition of happiness, but we all experience it in our own way. Happiness is an emotion that can be triggered by something we experience in the world around us. For me, happiness is like a delicious treat: it is something we all desire for, something we may have to put effort into obtaining, and something that is always worth the risk of striving for.

The true meaning of happiness lies in the simple joys of daily life, like enjoying a bottle of drink with a loved one or taking a moment to appreciate the beauty of nature.

I derive happiness anytime I’m around my family. Being surrounded by the warmth, love and support of family and friends brings me a deep sense of happiness and belonging. The sound of my family and friends laughing together creates a beautiful harmony that touches my heart and fills me with joy.

Happiness is found in the simple moments of connection with loved ones, the shared experiences and stories, in the memories we create, It is found in the bonds of friendship and family, and in the strength we draw from each other to face any challenge.

How do i derive happiness from my family?

My family is built on a foundation of love, that knows no bounds or conditions. This love has the power to weather any storm and endure through any hardship. It is in my family that I find encouragement and unexplainable love during bad times and tough times. When things are getting out of hand or when i feel depressed, i pick up my phone and call any of my family member and before you know, in a minute i am brightened up.

This love is a constant companion, a source of strength that never fades, even as the world is in a state of change. In the midst of sorrow, the love of my family provides a ray of light, a gleam of hope that tomorrow will be better. Last month, i lost my mom and my whole life was shattered, i lost hope but my family came to my rescue. They were just around me until i regained myself. They did things that could make me happy and forget everything that happened like taking me out to watch my favourite movies and to the playground to play my favourite games. I felt like i had people around me who cared about my wellbeing and wanted me to live.

My family is not only the source of my happiness, but also the source of my strength. Their constant support empowers me to face any challenge with grace, courage and determination.
Anytime we come together, there are no dull moments. Each of my family members brings a unique perspective to our lives. From eating together on the dining table to playing games, praying together , telling jokes and stories to going out together and having fun- my family is such a great source of happiness.

Thanks for reading...

I am @mummygo
Your Proud Farmercist And minister of smiles

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