No country can survive without it's workforce. Hard work or Smart Work , Skills or Intelligence, Labour day matters.

It is commendable to see this day is set aside to celebrate labour and the people for all the work done by various individuals in different fields. Hardly does a person exist without doing any task. The end goal of every labor may not be about the salary or wages to be received since we equally have voluntary workers everywhere who are working to achieve one purpose or the other.

Labour is required in every sector of the country, from agriculture, medicine, economics and every sector of a country, which means that no country can survive without it's labour or work force.

Imagine a scientist working in a laboratory without getting his safety equipment. As a student, I was a victim of fatal accidents because of poor working equipment. On the said date, a pressure cooker exploded on my face, and I had some secondary burns from my head down to my chest. I was only wearing a laboratory coat at the time.This situation wouldn't have been different if I were to be a graduate and a worker in some organizations.
That was my experience as a student, and I can now imagine the number of workers who work in industries without the provision of basic safety equipment.


No wonder history has this to say that a demonstration by labor workers broke out in the 19th century where workers complained of not getting the basic requirements and working conditions plus some level of workers right that needs to be looked into.

The protest got international recognition, and hence this day has been set aside to attend to labor matters and listen to the voices of those in the offices, industries, and everyone in the labor field.
Whatever kind of labor people engage in, providing the best working conditions enhances their ability to perform better in their fields. Quality working tools are a catalyst for better work function. Safety measures and insurance to secure the lives of workers are equally important, and we all know how paying fair wages promptly can boost workers morale.

Labor Day activities for my country

The labor day activities for my country today started with the declaration of a public holiday on which everyone is required to stay at home and get some rest.While no physical activities have been held in the town where I am currently, the news circulated on the internet this morning about an increase in the minimum wage.

The country has recently suffered from an inflation rate of over 100%, only for the federal government to sign a bill to increase the minimum wage within a range of 25–35% for civil servants across the country. The National Labour Congress of the country has already retorted this increase, outright rejecting the offer as a waste of time.

The initial minimum wage is around $21/30k naira. I kind of wonder how this can be budgeted to meet the needs of the smallest families here when a bag of rice is sold for $56/80k naira without looking at the cost of housing, rent, transportation, and other family needs. I haven't witnessed a working insurance scheme for workers around here with exemption from the National Health Insurance Scheme, which sees to the primary health of workers.

Hard Labour/Smart Labour, Skills/Intelligent

Looking at all the dilemmas above and the gravity of the situation, It is better to look into the kinds of jobs and labor we are engaged in in this century. While a lot of people believe that studying, getting professional certification, and getting jobs in industry are the best ways to earn a living, others believe that there are other smart jobs one can do to achieve the same purpose. While it is good to have a job and a purpose in life, the internet has opened us up to a lot of opportunities that can boost our earnings and standard of living as workers.



I am a farmer, a fashion designer, and a blogger. Although none of this labor was sponsored by the government, I have entered the entrepreneurship world solely on my own, hoping to find some footing since everyone does not have the opportunity or privileges of their dream job.

While skilled labor is important, it is equally admirable if our IQ is heightened by what we can do to boost our businesses. An unschooled businesswoman will have a low patronage rate compared to one who has a certificate and knows how to advertise and sell his business both online and offline.


On this day, we call to mind all the young men and women who have died in active service especially from accidents or due to poor working conditions and everyone who worked so hard and in sincerity to make life easy for all of us. To all the scientists, researchers in various laboratories, and our industrial workers, especially we celebrate your dedication to work and achievements.
We join hands with labour unions on this day and desires that better working conditions and safety equipment be provided for our workforce. Quality health, insurance and pension scheme be put in place as well.

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