My Celebrity Look-alike || Can You Spot Me

Do I have a look-alike celebrity?

Apart from my family, I don't think I look like any other person out there. They say we have our look-alike somewhere, or in another part of the universe, how true is that?
Do you believe there's another version of you? Your exact look-alike


Can you guess who's Ewoma in the picture?

Whenever I stay with someone for a while, maybe my friend comes around and stays for some days and we go out, people always say we look alike.
It's just funny how I take the face of people that are always around me.

Sometimes I get so smiley whenever my friends point at strangers and say we look alike, and sometimes I get so annoyed and pissed when they do that.
Do you know why? Hahaha

Growing up, I was a big baby so there was this teenager back then who was always grumpy. People would think that she was me and sometimes mistake me for her. I would get so pissed and I'm like she's black and I'm light in complexion so how do you guys make that type of mistake.

They would say we looked alike facially. I cried the day they said I looked like her because I thought she wasn't pretty. So the fact that I looked like her, meant I wasn't pretty too hahaha. You could imagine what was running through my head back then.

I would frown my face so hard whenever I saw her and the funny thing is she never had my time.
Fast forward to the present, I now see why they used to say we looked alike

It wasn't because of our complexion, or anything special, but because she had black and thick hair, funny brows, and also beautiful side beards.
Me on the other hand, my hair is very dark and shiny, I have very funny brows and a tiny nose and yeah, I'm quite the hairy type

I couldn't help but laugh so hard about it.

Writing this post I couldn't think of anyone who looks like me, this is a very hard one but hey, I just remembered about my pastor's daughter in church her name is Ewoma.

We usually attended camps together in church and other programs, and whenever we were seen together, people would always ask if we were twins, some would ask if I was her big sister.

We would laugh so hard about it and ask them how we even look alike

But honestly, up until today, I still can't find the resemblance between the both of us.

There are some features I know we both have like whenever we laugh or smile, our eyes close and we don't have dimples but whenever we talk there's a tiny dimple-like stuff that comes out, and were both light in complexion but she's way fairer than me. She's short and I'm tall so it doesn't make sense.

The funny thing is our names almost sound the same, "Onumeya, Ewoma" It sounds like names meant for twins hahaha

Is Ewoma on the right or left, please let me know in the comments

Image is mine
Thanks for reading❤

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